Uncle Pauls favorite game!

62  2015-01-20 by bestest_buds

  1. heat up a little errl

  2. prepare your cuke

  3. put a bottleopener in it so it don't get lost

  4. start peter pumpin

yield: 2-3 loads


Me: why don't you credit the sub you stole this from maaaaahhhhhnnnn!!!

I agree :(

Not even an x-post, way to hurt my feelings, OP

I thought his favorite game was Frickle Frackle.

Or Turkeyfoot


That's Victor #3's favorite game. Me and my pal Jerry used ta play that game.

Nice job recycling shit from the front page.

oH SHUUUUUURE... It's a great game! We pop open a couple of Zimas for the kids, I do the ol' turkey foot game, and after hide the sausage, we play swishy swashy in the shower to get all cleaned up.

Yeah... I used to play this game with my third graders.. they'd say can we play find the sausage Uncle Paul? I'd say suuuure...

A lil sardine erl and it slips right in, real gentle like....

How about the cream of some young guy? (Pause)
