Opie claims he was very poor, Patrice calls him out (starts 13m30s)

16  2015-01-19 by peckahinspectah



~ Gregg "Hard Times" Hughes


His car in high school wasn't even brand new!

Ant once got slapped as a kid because he stole his alcoholic Dad's quarters to buy himself ice cream sandwiches because his Dad drank instead of getting him something for dinner, and Ant told this like it was kind of a funny childhood story.

The guy next to him complains that he was so poor he had to eat Pepperidge Farm bread and work at a country club.

Was Pepperidge Farm bread cheap back when Op was a child of the 80's? Now it is one of the most expensive breads there is.

Nope. I specifically remember having the exact opposite experience as Opie's claim. My grandparents always had it at their house, and when I told my parents I liked it better than Wonder they told me it cost too much. This was in the early 80's. I highly doubt it was dirt cheap the previous decade.

Just looked it up at my supermarket, the cheapest type of Pepperidge Farm is 3.49. The store brand, same size is 0.79. lol. No Wonder Bread there but it's always one of the cheapest when you see it. Not a big surprise, it's shit, and stays flat if you happen to crush it a tiny bit. It's garbage that turns right back into dough the second you touch it.

They have lived close to the Pepperidge Farm factory and bought the messed up bread. As a kid in NY, I lived near the Enteman's and Friehoffer's facilities and we'd get bread, cookies and donuts for dirt cheap. Downside, they didn't look perfect but as a kid you didn't give a duck.

And they had their own display case at the end of the aisle!

Pepperidge Farm bread at regular price is still 3-4 times more expensive than store brand white bread. Even at a deep discount from the factory it's still more expensive than the cheap stuff, which even 40 years after Opie's childhood is less than a dollar for a loaf.

I don't think Opie was particularly rich, but he definitely wasn't poor. He doesn't know what poor actually means. When he claims poverty he's comparing himself to the kids he grew up with in Centerport who had brand new cars. No one who grew up in Centerport was poor.

His family was probably just cheap the way he is. He's a millionaire who lives in Manhattan but he still bilks his loser fans out of their hard-earned money on lame coffee mugs and catchphrase T-shirts and spends an inordinate amount of his free time trying to boost his views on Youtube videos. He can afford to just give that stuff away but he nickel and dimes his fans just like his parents opted to buy at discount prices things they could afford at regular price. It's not being poor, it's being cheap.

That's pretty much it. Again, I think we're giving Opie too much credit by calling him a fraud. I honestly think he's just too stupid to know the difference between poverty and having cheap parents.


My jaw hit the floor at 'I, uh, duh got a car when I was a senior I think but IT WASN'T A NEW ONE'. Does he seriously think more than 2% of the earth's population received new cars as their very first vehicles?

'I, duhh, uh, took my lunch to school in a, uh, cement bag..... once'

I hope he has a bruised apple drilled into his face by a catapult.

"We didn't have a Mexican maid like everyone else, we had to have this Somalian woman, toooootally different."

After hearing Jimmy and Anthony's childhood stories its odd to me that he would even try. The Greyhound bus story from Anthony never gets old.

And they don't even tell them as sob stories. They're childhood memories. Opie always paints his as how rough he had it.

He and his faggot brothers also went to college when ant could have never afforded that.

They had a fucking second house for vacations. I don't care if it was a shack. Poor people don't have second places.

My family shared a duplex with another family and I never thought we were poor. Fucking Opie, two fucking houses? Get the fuck outta here.

Same here. We didn't have name brand food or stylish clothes/shoes and we never went on one vacation, but I still look back and recognize that we had more than enough. Opie literally has used the words "EXTREMELY poor" to describe his upbringing. Only a total spoiled fucking pussy would look at the way he was raised and think he had it rough.

It's like when some girl who's been hot her entire life is like "oh my god, i was SUCH a nerd in high school. it was terrible. i was always too tall." And every actual nerdy guy is like "SHUT THE FUCK UP! I spent the entirety of my free time in high school at home masturbating to the thought of girls like you with my own tears."


Look at that yearbook profile and tell me its not someone who grew up in the slums. Ski trips, yachting, sharp suit....

The guy is the biggest phoney, he was a rich dork in high school. I don't know why he continually peddles this myth that he grew up poor, probably so his moron fans can relate to him.

Brother Weeze told him how to be cool. And he taught em that being poor is cool.

I don't think it's been adequately explored how much of Opie's hackery can be pinned on Brother Weeze. After all, this is the man who taught Opie that the only way to avoid selling out is to dress like a child into your 50s.

Remember in the last year or so when opie said to sam something like, "you think your cool. You need to go see brother Weeze so he can teach you to be cool"

That actually happened.

And Sam was like "So I can be a 'Brother Man'?"

Oh shit that's right. I don't care what anybody says. That same is a ok in my book. He's a company man sometimes. But he isn't in a position not to be.

I've been a Sam defender for awhile now. He's like having a hater-mole inside of Opie's circle. He takes what shots he can, but you can't expect him to risk blowing his cover.

I think a lot of people don't catch Sam's constant sarcasm. He throws in a lot of subtle jabs when he can, but he obviously can't come right out and bash Greggshells.

He's 10x smarter and funnier than Opie. I remember Opie being "all in" with Guy Fieri and thinking his lame rock n roll persona was cool, and Sam pointing out that Guy Fieri dresses like he's going to a Papa Roach concert.

I was a special delivery listener and supporter from day one. I think he is good.

It's totally trying to fit in with who he thinks the audience is. Remember that clip from back in the day when Ant made some joke about dumb blue collar workers and Opie said "Hey! Take it easy with my boys!"

Apparently the 'math wiz' had some trouble with math 11

No legitimately poor person works as a caddy, period.

Unless they're black in Georgia.

Southern Black caddies? They live out of their Uncles' cars. Margarine and salt sandwiches for every "Meal". But Opie's childhood yacht was no walk in the park., Brotherman.

A while back somebody posted Opie's High School yearbook and it listed yachting as one of his memories

Yeah, skiing and yachting and going to a summer home. He sounded like a rich villain in a John Hughes movie.

Holy shit. What a fraud. He'll probably just say that if was for the bit that he wrote that in fucking 1981.

"I think I finally got a car when I was a senior but it wasn't brand new or anything like that."

Opie's Tales of Poverty and Woe.

So poor he had a car, went skiing and yachting and visited his family's summer vacation home.

He wasn't poor. He just had 6 siblings so ME:!!! didn't get all the attention and money. What poor family owns 2 homes and multiple cars and goes skiing and yachting?

That's right! He talked about Skiiing before, too. It never fucking ends. Why can't he just be who he is? Who is he trying to be? Nobody fucking cares how much money he had, it's the luck of the draw. Just stop lying. Does he think we'll respect him if he came from rags to riches?

The struggle is real

Have to love Patrice. He sees right through that fucking fraud. That cement lunch bag lie is one of the douchiests claims tits makes.

He finally slipped and admitted that was only one time, but that was only after 15 years of heavily implying it was a regular thing. With this douche, who knows if it was even the once.

Let's not forget the Pepperidge Farm bread that was "too thin and sucked tasted stale that we had to eat because we couldn't afford the more expensive wonder bread" nonsense. When the whole world knows Pepperidge Farm was never at any point cheaper than Wonder Bread. You have to be really dumb to come up with a lie that easy to debunk.

It never happened, even if you were dirt poor there's so many other options other than a cement bag. Only rich cunts think poor is cool.

I don't get why a cement bad is the level for being poor. Why would a poor family even have a cement bag? Use a fucking paper or plastic bag, they're cheap as shit and actual poor people use them; a cement bag is needlessly large and is not a marker for financial status.

Poor in the 60's and 70's was buying the week old generic bread in the discount bin at the grocery store. Wonder Bread was a luxury.

After years of listening to O&A's childhood stories, I always thought Anthony had the tougher life.

IIRC, Anthony had to "steal" his father's quarters to buy food, because he was starving and there was none in the house.

Then, there's the time Anthony and his brother lived out in Cali with dad. His mom sent money to Cali so his dad could buy plane tickets for Joe and Anthony to come home. Dad's solution? Pocket 90% of the money and buy the boys bus tickets. They had no food during the weeklong trip back to NY.

Also noteworthy- "Let me get my 13 year old son laid by the town harlot so he won't be gay." Excellence in parenting.

Let's also not forget that Anthony's dad abandoned their mother. She had to work 2-3 jobs at a time to keep a roof over their heads. Result? Anthony was alone for a majority of his childhood and teen years.

Yes, Opie had a dysfunctional mom and his father ran a few "scams." But, he had a normal childhood and food in his stomach. He went to school and had the opportunity to go to college.

So, Opie's "We were poor!" takes a back seat to Anthony's tumultuous childhood. Oh, your lunch was in a cement bag? At least you had lunch. Dope.

And soon after Patrice mentions never knowing his father even though he grew up 10 blocks away from him.

Dude, the lies are endless.

Oh Tits.

Ol' D-cups is out of control.

That thick nippled fuck

Seriously fuck Opie. Him bragging about being poor is a slap in the face to actual poor people.
Really?? one time you had to bring lunch in with a paper bag? What about the kids who's Mommy didn't make them a square meal every day jiggle tits? FUCK YOU

Or the ones whose families have to decide, "Do we eat this week or do we get our power shut off?". But I'm sure the car he got at 16 didn't have power windows. The struggle is real and terrifying.

Wow, lots of vids of Patrice shitting on him. I bet fragile boy was secretly happy when he died.

I bet he is haunted by the ghost of Patrice every night, standing at the foot of his bed, wearing a purple suit, saying "Nigga stop lying!"

I like that when he gets called out for lying, his evidence to back up his claims are other times he's lied. "You don't believe me? You should hear all the stories I've made up about being poor!"

haha, he's scouring through twitter hoping people remind him of his made up stories

Conspiracy time.

Opie had Patrice killed so that he couldn't be called out anymore. The rest of the staff and comedians know this which is why they never call Opie out on any of his lies or bombs.

False flag operationnnn

Thanks for your service.

Thermite paint.

Killed him with donuts and processed foods available in the green room.

Holy shit, this is one is a gem.

Patrice so easily dismantled this half-wit.

He's just laughing as Opie as describes the cement bag thing.

“A caddy, you mean like a golf caddy? Oh…”

Having a job in high school that helps pay for college and getting a used car at 17. That’s the kind of hardships they write rap songs about.

Patrice actually got him to completely flip his argument and start downplaying it. “No of course I’m not crying that I was poor.”

High-pitch, defensive Opie in all its glory here.

hahaha opie your parents were just cheap

The best part is he brings up his alleged poverty out of nowhere. The conversation is basically:

Patrice: Somehow I get the impression that when Opie was growing up he didn't have people telling him he wouldn't amount to anything.


That's a good point, it sounded like Patrice was making a case for encouragement or positive influence and Opie jumps right into being poor, but then goes into saying he went to a really good school and clearly did not go wanting for ski and yacht trips.


@39:32 I learned that Opie is miles more racist than Anthony. Which explains why the black guests like Patrice, Keith, Chris, Paul, Kevin and Whoo-Kid like Ant better.

We're not paying enough attention to the part towards the end of the discussion where Opie tries to nonsensically reframe his point: details aside, he and Ant basically had the same upbringing, and Opie would have had the same trade jobs if he hadn't lucked into a nearby golf course.

Ant can't help but point out the idiocy of Opie comparing his high school job to Ant's years of mind-numbing, full-time gruntwork as a grown-ass man.

Didn't he tell the story once that he showed his wife his childhood home and she was like "you weren't poor."

And then he explained it away saying he felt poor because there were so many kids and his parents were cheap?

He did. Even his wife can't humor his nonsense.

Holy shit. I usually think you guys exaggerate opies terribleness, but fuck me dead, the guys self consciousness is so obvious!

Dats da bit! Nice try on the hate tho

If you get to about 1:50:00 they have an awesome interview with a random homeless guy who tells Patrice he's too fat to hang out with. Gold.

Bitch better have my money

Why the fuck does anthony sound so different in every clip?

ugh the way he's fighting to get into the conversation

He was poor! He and his brothers only got 1 new pair of shoes each per school year! If that's not poor I dunno what is.

Did he say that?

Yes. That was one of his complaints about his poor childhood. They only got one new pair of shoes per year and kids like to run around so those shoes would get worn down but he'd still have to wear them. Child abuse if ya ask me.

I had powdered melk in Jordan. It's fine. Shut the fuck up.

Did he say that?

Unless they're black in Georgia.

A while back somebody posted Opie's High School yearbook and it listed yachting as one of his memories

Brother Weeze told him how to be cool. And he taught em that being poor is cool.

Apparently the 'math wiz' had some trouble with math 11

And they had their own display case at the end of the aisle!

It's totally trying to fit in with who he thinks the audience is. Remember that clip from back in the day when Ant made some joke about dumb blue collar workers and Opie said "Hey! Take it easy with my boys!"

Pepperidge Farm bread at regular price is still 3-4 times more expensive than store brand white bread. Even at a deep discount from the factory it's still more expensive than the cheap stuff, which even 40 years after Opie's childhood is less than a dollar for a loaf.

I don't think Opie was particularly rich, but he definitely wasn't poor. He doesn't know what poor actually means. When he claims poverty he's comparing himself to the kids he grew up with in Centerport who had brand new cars. No one who grew up in Centerport was poor.

His family was probably just cheap the way he is. He's a millionaire who lives in Manhattan but he still bilks his loser fans out of their hard-earned money on lame coffee mugs and catchphrase T-shirts and spends an inordinate amount of his free time trying to boost his views on Youtube videos. He can afford to just give that stuff away but he nickel and dimes his fans just like his parents opted to buy at discount prices things they could afford at regular price. It's not being poor, it's being cheap.

"We didn't have a Mexican maid like everyone else, we had to have this Somalian woman, toooootally different."
