Anthony calls out this sub on Legion of Skanks

5  2015-01-19 by NhaterJR

EP 135, 2:10 in and he specifically called out this comment, he dont like being called a grandpa


Talking about reddit and Twitter and FB etc is part of any show I do. Social media is a part of everyone's daily life now. It's actually funny to discuss with people. Good or bad.

You love the opie hate on this sub don't you?

I can't pretend to know what's going on in his head, but if I was Ant I'd love the nonstop acknowledgement of how awful the new Tits and Paycheck show is.

This is a really polite way of telling us to stop being obsessive faggots.

Hey. Stop responding to this stuff. Makes it hard to be a hater.

It seems the consensus is that you actually care about the audience's experience. The posts, initially, towards Opie had constructive criticisms. Since he doesn't/can't address any of those, he is now The Hacky Bitch Titted Liar.

Holy shit are we turning on Anthony? #OpieRaqioLiedAntDied

Nobody is turning on Anthony. Is he above criticism?

We still love the show (what it used to be with Anthony) or we wouldn't be here.


You're definitely not laughing, you're working your way to heart attack number 2 which will hopefully be the big one.

I always find it a little strange went Ant goes into Jimmy-mode and tries to diffuse "haters" with the fact that they're anonymous. What exactly are they supposed to do? "You're right Ant, this isn't fair. Here's my name and address. Now, back to calling you old and ugly and creepy..."

They're public figures and minor celebrities. They're fair game. They need to learn how to handle hecklers and critics with finesse and humor. Responding with doxxing is for amateurs.



i remember they used to beg about how they would go back to ppl's twitter timeline and find ppl's ugly wife and kids pic, start reposting it and make fun of their looks and it leaded to a few haters delete their accounts, and considered it a win. as we all know whenever jimmy is losing an argument his goto is ppl's appearance, so anonymous is really killing him lol

It's the shittiest thing about Norton. "Brutally honest" Jimmy gets mad that some faggot on twitter named weedgod15 says his standup stinks, and he can't hit him back.

"You have 3 followers!" who gives a shit. Not everyone likes twitter and some people are just gonna make "egg" accounts to be assholes to people that use it.

Has twitter done anything for anyone on the show that is good? It turned OpieRadio into his final form, a hole with tits who wants you to buy a mug and watch a video. It got Ant fired. And Jimmy? He takes it fucking seriously.

At the very least, Jimmy can still be funny on twitter, and he usually is. But watching him get into these extended, sometimes hour-long arguments with teenagers is awful. Especially if it's with a non-fan who's getting on him for saying "tranny" or something. And just the fact that he thinks the "well you're anonymous" is the cherry on top for the argument.

I will not dispute this one bit. Jim, don't argue with fucking Tumblr retards.

It bugs me, because the reason that he and Jimmy aren't anonymous is they're entertainers, on nationwide platforms, and are well compensated as a result.

Sorry that your fucking fans are assholes guys, but when Norton pulls that "you know my name" shit I scream at the radio. You talk constantly about the people dumb enough to post stupid shit on facebook and get fired and then bitch about the people who don't use their real names to bitch. If I had your paycheck I'd be happy to take that accountability. But I don't. So don't be mad at me for saying mean words.

I don't even really shit on Jimmy or Ant, but this line of thinking bugs me.

he barely mentions reddit, he says most people are fine with the exception of a few assholes...

i don't see the issue.

sometimes you guys are far more sensitive than opie


It really hurts him that people still remember him being catfished.

When did this happen?

Holy shit. I wish I hadn't asked now. Fuck. I want to like Ant but that shit makes it tough.

He's a funny guy, but as dumb as Bobo when it comes to the internet.

He's a terrible terrible person. There's a clip out there of him saying the youngest he would be with is 12 years old.

Fuck. It doesn't make sense how he hasn't been investigated for this crap if he is really like that. I'm not defending him but he does have a cop as a good friend. You would think the NYPD would be weary of an officer associating themselves with a self proclaimed pedo. Plus what the fuck? Nobody around him is doing anything about it?

This makes me really, really want to know what was said between the two. Especially the context of the gift giving and conversations. If he was just being nice then it's just a notch above suspicion. Still odd but in the end a nice thing to do. I wonder if he expected anything in return? All we really have is this guy's words too. Nothing solid as evidence. That I know of.

I'm trying really hard to find a way to like him again but it's also hard to ignore that something fucked up was going on. Without proof I have to say that he is guilty of being a sick fuck. Goddamn you Cumia.

That was said as a joke though.

Right, I figured that but what happened when it was uncovered he was Chris Hanson'd? I'm sure they knew he talked the her and sent gifts. So they just turned a blind eye?

I thought Anthony didn't care about internet bullshit and haters?

He called out an obnoxious cunt troll from this thread...

/u/randomcuntnumber6 and /u/benjamin72 are so damn lame. They try to be like thermite but arnt and come off idiotic. At least when thermite had something to contribute or was trolling it came off as somewhat intelligent.

It did?? Jesus, dude. Do you live under giant power lines, by any chance?

At least when thermite had something to contribute or was trolling it came off as somewhat intelligent.

compared to these two guys, yes. yes he did

At least when thermite had something to contribute or was trolling it came off as somewhat intelligent.

If the drivel he spewed forth wasn't pure Opie-ball-washing delusion, you'd be totally correct.

Butthurt stalker detected.

Anthony really is an old, bitter man. How pathetic can you be to have all that money and supposedly fucking teenage girls, yet you spend so much time arguing with people (who are beneath you, according to yourself) on the internet.

Also, how shamefully sycophantic are all the fags who downvoted the other guy and upvoted the shit out of Anthony's lame insults? You think you're gonna hang with Ant at the Compound, you faggots?

I think he just gets bored. I love Ant, but he very rarely leaves his house, doesn't really travel much, works 8-10 hours a week. He plays some video games and works out a bit, but thats a lot of time to fill.

I think it's more of a daddy issue thing. They want Ant's approval so bad.

The same reason he is obsessed with black people. He has all these guns secretly hoping for a home invasion to justify his paranoia. It's so undeserved though. He has nothing to fear and he lives in rich Jew neighborhood in Long Island with what might as well be a live in cop to help protect him. It's insanity.

yeah i mean who needs to worry about home invasions in the area of new york that is most often target for home invasions...

that's crazy talk.

I'm sure it's gonna happen any day now.

yeah and it's not like we live in the year 2015 where anyone who is offended by something ant says on the radio or now on his "podcast" can decide to come fuck with him...

because shit like that never happens either.

you can't belittle a guy for understanding the risks he's exposed himself to and then arming himself "just in case".

with the amount of butthurt internet faggots out there and the number of times he's said "racist" things i'm shocked he doesn't live in the mountains somewhere just to avoid the possible situation.

In all fairness he's a "cat lady".

If there were hundreds of people trashing me on the Internet, I'd have a hard time NOT reading it too.

That's just how people are wired; they like to know what people think of them. (Even if they say they don't.)

If they say they don't that means they care more than most of what people think of them.

Because he came here and got shit on and not worshipped.

This is what we are, and it is what he created.

Ant is a nice guy, and I lay off him for the most part. But don't be a fucking Opie Ant...

Don't be a fucking Opie....Fortunes can turn, we still like you....You are on a sub only service, not on a platform like Tits and Paycheck.

Keep telling your fans to fuck themselves, we will be laughing as you are moving into east New York when you lose your gig.


What the fuck are you on about? He's sticking up for himself, responding on a platform where he can't just block people who disagree with him, obviously. How is that any way being like fucking jam tits?

They get millions of dollars-we get anonymity. Seems fair to me?

Nononono NSA should take it away cause paparazzi

finally some well deserved respect for this sub and anthony pretty much pulled a fez the whole episode lol

"well deserved respect for this sub" LOL Please tell me you're being sarcastic.

LOL, and you guys say Opie is the sensitive one?

They both have a history of being really sensitive. Ant probably gets more of a pass because he actually contributed to the old show.

from what i read on here anthony was asking wackbag mods to censor and ban ppl, they didnt so wackbag is classified as a hater site, can someone confirm

If that happened then that really changes my opinion of the guy. Him being an older and dating young girls is a "who cares" since he's entertaining. Again, he tries and Opie doesn't. Edit: ideally he dates legit/legal girls. If not, that's a big problem.

Opie got multiple people fired from the show for criticizing him, and is now so protected by the staff they filter out callers who want to trash his dog shit radio skills. Ant got annoyed someone says hes a child fucker on the internet.

I'd say Opie is still the sensitive one.

hey bro you are famous

He HATES that he can't block critics here and send his ballwashing "pests" after people to try and spam block them into Twitter gulag. Always nice to see people get under this predator's skin and expose his lies and hypocrisy.

Hey everyone lets downvote this guy so it makes him wrong!

I'm used to it. I laugh when Anthony is online here. I hit refresh and watch how fast his upvotes climb and any critics are buried. It's suspicious how many votes occur in a short span of time, but the users online ticker doesn't change at all.

Ant seems like the kind of guy that would make alts to agree with himself.

Do you know that for a fact? The part about "sending his ballwashing pests." If that's true then wow. Seems like a stretch though.

Holy shit. I wish I hadn't asked now. Fuck. I want to like Ant but that shit makes it tough.