Even the NFL wants to "Get Opie"

0  2015-01-19 by AChansSemenFilledCnt


Jeez, I hope you aren't this terrible in real life.

This isn't real life?

WTF are you talking about?

The internet is absolutely not real life.

I hope you aren't this boring around people who actually know you and, possibly, 'like' you.

Focus on making that wizzinator druggie loser.

Wow, have you ever said anything on Reddit that wasn't downvoted to oblivion? Feels good knowing your internet persona matches your real life one, Mr. never-graduatedtheeighthgrade-disappointmenttoyourmother?

LOL you don't graduate eighth grade you idiot, you pass the eighth grade.

You were wrong, no need to get butthurt about it.

You're an over 40 illiterate cunt, who uses the phrase "butthurt". Are you ever a lonely fucking douche bag or what? Yuck.

Very angry and butthurt loser detected.

I hope your kids are getting molested right now.

Butthurt loser detected.


What? Did a cock just penetrate your ass or something?