Dopie is selling this piece of shit for 16 bucks

29  2015-01-17 by [deleted]


Awesome, I'll take 0 please.

I said this in another thread, but I don't care, WHO WOULD BUY THIS? What person who enjoyed the humor on the Opie and Anthony show would buy this? It's not even funny on an ironic level. It doesn't work on ANY level.

There's a universe of mugs to choose from. They have mugs with everything on them. It's one of the easiest products to produce. Who is the person who buys this and carries it around in the world of civilized men? Maybe Opie is trolling cause he knows whoever carries it around will experience an unceasing flurry of fists wherever they go.

The worst part is that if you have to explain the mug, it's a failure. If it says "I Hate Mondays," you're golden. Fuck Mondays. Someone sees this and asks what it is: "it's this guy who does a show on satellite radio, this is an old picture of him and it's his sort-of catch phrase." You might as well have Alf with "Wazzzaaaaaaaap!" on it. Whatever room has this mug in it just feels like Cube.

That would actually be funny.

Who buys imprinted mugs anymore, anyway? That shit was old 20 years ago, they faded out with Dilbert desk calendars and puppy/kitty mousepads.

The last mug I had with anything on it, it was "Bite me!", that I put on myself, that I'd take to meetings for a company I hated and was about to quit from.

It's an ugly fucking mug too. Who would buy this and think.. yeah I'm down? This would explain the crappy logo's and ugly posters that O&A had through out the years.

What is entertaining though us that there was another thread to say that in, yet this thread exists. Are we going to get a new thread for every item he's selling? Lame. So many grown men acting like cunts just looking for anything to pick apart and circlejerk over in this sub.

If you haven't noticed, there's a new thread a week on the same youtube video. Patrice makes fun of Opie's tits. Jim and Opie fight. Ant and Opie fight. It goes on and on.

But honestly, what the fuck else is there to talk about with regard to Opie and Anthony? Dogs shit in the yard, Batman fights The Joker, and fat angry men, who don't like a whole lot in the world, bitch about what they don't like about a show they do/did like, and the lucky, hefty breasted cunt who it turns out most of us never liked.

Like the cut of your jib, fag.

"Just some little dumb thing I do for some pocket money."

When Opie, every show mind you, says things like this and similar to it, I just want to punch him in the face.

I feel like buying it and shitting in it then uploading a video to youtube. I probably won't though.

dude please

wut m8?

I have expendable income, an ar 15 and a slow mo camera on my iPhone 6

I know what I must do

Please don't give us false hope...

I would never do that

Also, 8 bucks to ship a god damn mug

Jesus Christ

Twenty four dollars for a shitty mug that cost maybe 2 to make? You are a brave soul.

I support this, but ask that you piss on it at some point in said video.

It should be filled with a scalding hot tasty beverage and then punched into his face.

I don't get it.

You can do a google image search, go to some stupid website that prints shirts and mugs, upload the stupid picture, and buy it for under $16.


Ok, I'm better now.

im too lazy to find it but the actual image of the opster aka gregg "opie" © hughes on the mug looks like a direct screenshot from one of the columbine shooters home videos. the original time it was posted from a distance i thought it was one of them. the sunglasses the backwards hat posing with just know this guy has an edge to him! chip chipperson level chills.

I would get more positive mentions from a mug of Flavor-ade with Jim Jones picture on it than any obscure cuntlipped shit this dried up unfunny weasel puts out

This is the kind of shit that ends up in Dollar Tree.

I want to buy some and leave them in different truck stop bath rooms.

He sold 3 and they all requested refunds immediately after receiving them.

You could draw a better picture on with crayons

It has to be the bam fucking wife of his. She is trying to whore out beef tits for all he is worth before he is a bald, elderly nothing collecting social security. Then she will fuck him for child support, since no attractive 30-odd year old wants to live the rest of her life married to baloney boobs.

That's the worst thing I've ever seen. Utterly horrendous. Check out the empties maannnn

i wonder if the cunt sells stuff on Ebay


What's even more pathetic is there must be people out there buying it. I'd be embarrassed to even drink coffee out of a shock jock mug, let alone pay $16 for one.

This is the kind of promotional item bullshit that radio stations give away for free. It really shows how low-rent he is.

Fuck you, Gregg Hughes. Heil Cumia

I hope he makes a cup of tea with it, but gets mildly distracted by something, such as a smartphone, or a bird singing sweetly, and them returns to a lukewarm, slightly dissatisfying brew.

Christ, have a heart.

Sir, there are limits. You just exceeded them.

Are you serious? this isn't real...right?

Is that asshole using Cafe Press?

I still can't tell if CSK is serious or mocking Opie when he brings it up on air.

Who will buy this? The same type who thinks opie is cool. Skinny fat guy with Mr clean head and long "crazy" goatee.

What's hilarious is that I've listened to hundreds of hours of this stupid show, and I still listen to it (which is probably hilarious in itself) and I have no idea what most of these stupid "catch phrases" are supposed to refer to.


Don't buy it.
