Opie is an out-of-touch dope. Intentional attempts at going "viral" are this generations version of "prank" calls.

13  2015-01-16 by smokinswindler

After initially finding the show about a year ago, and before learning what a dope jellytits is, I would browse the "opie radio" youtube page. Lots of cool behind-the-scenes stuff along with other cool extras.

Now all the videos are painfully embarrassing stitched-together clips of ANOTHER PEOPLES footage (that usually is already mildly popular) plastered with corny titles and attention seeking trending hashtags. Fuck him, he's an out-of-touch geriatric zero.

His videos are basically a "Spencer's Gifts" store in visual form. example /// oqie holding a malnourished baby lion!

Just yuck. I hate Opie.

Even the archives are ruined buy his non-sense.


Hi this is Cuck McUnfunny and my partner left along with 90% of the funniness of this show.

Ahh hebedebe daba daba boom boom pow!

What's wrong with prank calls. Don't make me send Roy D Mercer over there to give you an ass whuppin'.


My apologies. Please forgive my transgression.

How big a boy are ya ?

How big a boy are ya?

This is a good point. Sometimes viral videos are people fucking up, but a lot of the time it is something interesting or extraordinary. Opie's stuff is really just shit-tier trolling, but nobody's impressed by that. Nobody cares if you make a new character or do some prank in NYC. The reason people hate them is because they can smell that it's coming from a psychopath. It's coming from the opposite of humanity. You know what would go viral? Jim Norton talking into a camera about loving transsexual prostitutes. That's something people can use, that's something people can watch and get inside of, it's something they probably haven't seen before. If Opie were honest for 5 minutes he could make something that human beings saw/heard and thought "I should show this to my friends!"

Has Opie ever done anything that you wanted to show to your friends?

Someone made a great point on here once before..

When a video does go viral, no one gives a shit who posted it.

The person who uploads it almost never gets any attention from it.

Sure, there video gets a lot of views, but it's only the subject of the video that gets recognized.

And if Opie needs to make a video where HE's the subject AND it goes viral he's in trouble.


Isn't Howard collecting multiple paychecks at a time in both radio and television? I'd say he's killing it, at that point, and at his age - who gives a shit about fame or peoples interest? He can literally do whatever he wants to do in life with very little to answer to. Opie wants to say he has "fuck you" money, but he doesn't. If he lost his position, I'd give him 5 years max to go broke.

3rd season son.


Opie doesn't understand humor. Maybe he did at some point, but listen to him try to tell a joke, especially if it's supposed to be offensive, or if he thinks it's witty. He just expects people to kiss his ass, probably because other people's jokes are funny, and he doesn't get why they're funny.

Mommy didn't give him enough attention so now he needs it from everyone else.

That's what fucking sickens me about his shit fake videos. I could handle them not being funny but faked viral videos are just the Internet's version of fake radio prank calls (to totally steal your point right in front of you) and it annoys me to see him not be called out for this shit by the people around him who've spent years mercilessly attacking pony hacks, often to the point of making them cry, while this fat titted jock sits in the corner feeling smug. There's a justification in being an honest host who brutally attacks dishonest hacks but to be a dishonest hack that does it makes you the worst of the worst, which is why this unfunny cunt deserves the year round jocktober treatment.

Just like real prank calls... I love em. But fake shit is embarrassing

I remember when I first saw Opie's videos and just assumed he was just showing his love for a few funny videos.

I unsubscribed within a few days.

Why he doesn't just post more show clips is beyond me.