Does Opie intentionally try to ruin everything?

11  2015-01-15 by 3noir

This morning when Sam was telling his story about the visit to the Playboy Mansion, why did he keep interrupting? Sam was doing a fine job taking the mic and then mantits ruined the best radio they've had in weeks.


What? You didn't think it was funny when Opie incessantly kept on saying "when you woke up was your pee-pee out"?

He doesn't like it when the attention isn't on him.

No. He uses that as a cop out to excuse his own lack of talent or having anything interesting or funny to say. 'Loves the Internet Guy' is a perfect example.

That's the root of dislike for the guy. He does something cringey and "that's the bit". God I wanna burn holes in his toenails with cigarettes.

Just the fact that Sideshow Sam had to provide the best radio in weeks says a lot about how far this show has fallen.

ME: You think I ruin everything? I think people out there can relate to ruining things

If they laugh, it's intentional. If it's not, that's the bit, you just didn't get it.

The 'Preying Mantits'

This may actually be the bit.

I hear his wife doesn't understand why he likes to make things uncomfortable

"...hold on, hold on...I know what I'm doing here. We gotta break this down..."

No, he's just a dumb motherfucker who justifies his existence my interjecting himself as much as possible, even when he has nothing, which is always, because he's an incredibly stupid mother fucker.

Opie is pretty narcissistic, he always needs to bring back to be about himself and his fucking lies.

I wish he visited the Sharon Tate Mansion instead

Well he is the "destroyer"

In defense of Opie (God, I hope I never have to say that again), I did feel the need to get to the bottom of how in the hell Sam ended up in the Playboy mansion.

You didn't like the bit when he was trying to "confuse" the listeners about the podcast?

He's not sharp enough to ruin anything on purpose, he's too fucking dumb

there's no way it could have been as bad as Wednesday's show....where they were having a nice discussion with tommy chong, and it just devolved into the most boring meaningless semi-argument between Vos and Opie....just painful to listen to

yah hes a regular praying mantitsssss

I remember one time Ron Bennington commented on Opie's comedy. He said something along the lines of "I love how Opie's first line of thought in creating a funny situation with a person is, 'Oh! I should hurt him!'"

There's always that guy in your circle of friends in high school or whatever that will do something so douchey you're amazed the guy did it, and the shock of it can double-back around to being funny.

Couple of requirements go with that though. First is you have to be with friends that "get" what you're doing. The second is the douche moments need to be somewhat rare to be funny. I think Opie realizes his biggest laughs came from him being a dick on the air, so he's chasing that high even when it's not appropriate. Even if doesn't work out, he can pretend he's doing some Adult Swim cringe comedy or something.

I get why Opie does it, but it doesn't make it suck less to me.
