Opie on TACS? WGAS

6  2015-01-15 by BlumpietheCropDuster

Does anyone really want an appearance by Opie on TACS unless they went at each other? Opie brings nothing to any entertainment table whatsoever. He's been in radio forever and no one is dying to get them on their podcast, show, movie, etc. I'd rather see Ant and him drop the gloves and go at each other, that might even make Opie remotely interesting for once.


It would be great if Ant took a call from Opie and then immediately hung up on him and moved on with the show.

As much as I would love that, I can't see Anthony ever doing anything like that even if it was for the goof. The man is a natural born beta. He spent 9 years in a marriage he wanted no part of instead of manning up and taking control of his own life.

Lol that's hilarious and probably true. Never thought of him like that. I like to think of him as my alcoholic fun loving sex addicted uncle.

I get what you're saying, but how many truly funny "alpha males" are there?

Bill Cosby. That man is alpha as fuck.

Joe Rogan and...Well that's it I believe.

"Oh yeah? Well it's really great to hear from you man, how's the show going these days?"

"ME: Aww it's fucking incredible man. Best it's ever been! Been reinventing myself, throwing the ball around with the girls, had Florentine on and he KIL.."


No to your first question. And for the second part of your post, the war between them, at least on Ant's side, is slowly heating up and it's going to be glorious when they start throwing punches at each other.

You think Opie is actually gonna fight back? With what? Call him fuck face? All he had was fuck face, and to threaten to break up the show. There's never going to be a fight because opie can't fight back. Unless ant really did fuck a 15 year old. (I believe he only grooms them, and then fucks them when they're legal).

Remember, Opie is much greater in his own mind than in all of our minds(aka reality). He fancies himself as "the destroyer" because he's not afraid to hang up on people that call into a show that he has 100% control over. He will never give up the home field advantage which is why he won't go on TACS.

(if there were a "war", which I 80-20% feel that there won't be..)Opie will probably say something like "Ohh i know things that could bury Ant, blah blah blah". Beat around the bush and never actually say anything because he doesn't actually have any dirt that anyone would find interesting.

And then when it all goes south for him, he'll backtrack and say the whole thing was manufactured and "part of the bit" to get a little buzz for both shows.

The Jesse Ventura interview made me realize that Jimmy is what Opie wishes he was. Wow, you talked shit to Ed Asner's face, a decrepit old man. 2tough4me.


Ope only has balls when its over the phone and he's surrounded by his buddies, or the guest is too old/aloof to realize that he's being trolled.

Cumia would smash Opie if they went to "war" with each other, Anthony is just flat out wittier and better at explaining his side of a story without it sounding pretentious or defensive or you know, 100% horse shit. Not to mention 95% of the real listeners would side with Cumia pretty much regardless. And the other 5% are trucker dinosaurs or too milquetoast to weigh in anyway.

Hey, sir, there's a French scuba diver that learned the hard way not to give the old Opster any lip.

Yes, Opie loves any opportunity to place himself into a conflicted situation. As for what Opie would say as a rebuttal to Anthony, I don't give a shit. I, and I believe a majority of us, want Anthony to take down Opie. And until it does, making fun of Opie in this forum will suffice.

Of course we all wanna see that, but you're giving opie too much credit for not being a pussy. Like when Corolla went on OnA, pussyboy couldn't even go to his own show.

If Opie is smart, meaning, if he wants people to listen to his show, this is the only way to renew interest in his brand. At this point, he's done. His career is over, and the only way to reverse that is to engage with Anthony in a combative manner. Of course, you have people on his Facebook page saying he "won the internet" because he posted someone else's video of the "Dick Poop" gaffe during the reading of the Oscar nominations. Those milquetoast people without a funny bone will always exist and support him, but the die hards are gone. I have no idea where I'm going with this or what I'm even writing.

If Opie is smart

So you agree we'll never get a war?

Yeah, pretty much. But I hope Anthony keeps going in the direction he is with the (sometimes) ambiguous remarks about Opie. What does Anthony have to lose? A friendship that ended long ago?

If Opie doesn't come by the new TACS studio, maybe Ant will finally talk shit and call him out.

He was on here defending himself last night about that wasn't he? It's almost like he doesn't recall the 'How young would you go if it wasn't for the law' conversation. In before 'it was for the show' excuse.

I think he really meant that, but isn't stupid enough to actually do it. He could always move to Spain..

Jesus that is young. Have you informed Uncle Paul?

yeap, he has been making subtler and subtler comments recently

The war has started. The Adam Carolla thing was the last straw for Opie. Now will it make it to the air on either show, that's the question.

Did Ant throw the first punch? Dish, dish!

Leave it alone. leave it alone. Leave it alone. - yeah that would be interesting.

his fucking passive-aggressiveness in that clip was so infuriating. Even when Anthony would call it out and Opie would deny it and then be even more passive-aggressive. Holy fuck, I couldn't stand that shit. Opie fucking argues like a woman.

i want him on the TACS show once... just so opie doesn't have any control on hanging up on callers, while they rip him a new one.

Good point.

Damn, that would be perfect. I think the titster would be out of his element when it's not his ship to "steer". I sense an unusual amount of talking over each other as dopie forgets it ain't his show.

I think Opie is still pissed at Ant for blowing up the show, and that's one of the reasons why he hasn't done TACS. I also think Opie wants all of the recognition of a Morning Zoo host while still calling himself edgy... so he's glad Ant is gone.

Why wouldnt peopld wanna see Opie there.It would be interesting if anything

Something tells me that, realistically, 80% of the show would be Opie talking about himself and this new journey he's embarked on "trying to figure this thing out." He'd make himself seem like the victim even though Ant's the one who got fired. Basically, he'd bore everyone by talking nonstop about his boring experience with boring radio. It's the only thing the dullard can contribute to the type of real/personal conversations you often hear on podcasts. I wouldn't be surprised if at some point he even brought up Denny or Lionel; just anything to keep the subject on his tired-ass radio industry.

Ant is too smart to work with Opie again. Opie just has a far inferior intellect than Ant, not to mention Opie's social skills are far below Ant's. I hope Ant gets a great sidekick and their show starts to become really popular.

I'd rather they sit and chat. If they were to drop the gloves, Opie would nonstop do that "AH HUH HUH HUH" thing every time Ant insults him or gets the upper hand.

If Anthony had someone someone consistently to bounce ideas off of every day so we could make jokes no none would give 2 shits about Opie being on the show unless they went after each other.

I've been saying this since the minute TACS started, because every unimaginative, boring, uncreative fan or caller has to bring it up. Either a caller to TACS who has nothing better to think of & just wants to get on air with Ant, or in both shows and both boys' social media feeds. It seems like 5 minutes won't go by without some fucking stooge mentioning Opie coming on TACS.

They haven't even been apart for a year yet. What does anyone think they're going to talk about? Do you really think that's going to be interesting? You know EXACTLY what they're going to say and how it's going to go. In 4 or 5 years, yeah I think it would be great to have them sit down. 7 months later? Really?

I would not mind seeing Opie on the show just to see how they mesh together after all this time.

I have a feeling it would be uncomfortable.

Opie and Anthony >>>>>> anything on TACS.

So yes, I'd like to see it.

Opie will never go on the show for the same reason everyone wants him on the show: to speak honestly about the firing and the current state of the Raqio show. That's all anyone really wants to see, maybe they hash something out like Ant and DeRosa. Opie wants to talk beforehand likely to avoid exactly this.

A radio war with Anthony would be the best thing that could happen to Opie. But I doubt that will ever happen because Anthony is too nice of a guy. It is always Opie who has been insecure and started those sort of things. Just look at the Carolla nonsense. But it would be fun to watch, maybe that is what he needs to talk about before he goes on TACS. But even then he would get destroyed by us, think if we had Anthony was there to encourage us.

I said it from the beginning. Opie will Never go on Ant's Show, because Opie wouldn't be in control! It's not hard to see that over the years, one thing that helped Opie feel good about himself on the show, is that he is the one that discovered Ant! And it's very obvious that it's really Opie's Show, and Ant is just his sidekick. Like Opie is Johnny, and Ant is Ed McMahon Opie is a known control freak!

I want O&A back together in any form.

Anthony and Jim, yes! But Opie and Anthony? No thanks. Keep Opie far away, please.

Fuck Jim too. Of course Jim's funny, but we've all gotten to see his true nature because of Ant's firing. Jim's just a hypocrite, a whore, a lying worm who will do anything to keep collecting those fat paychecks to afford his hooker addiction.

If Opie is smart

So you agree we'll never get a war?

The Jesse Ventura interview made me realize that Jimmy is what Opie wishes he was. Wow, you talked shit to Ed Asner's face, a decrepit old man. 2tough4me.

Hey, sir, there's a French scuba diver that learned the hard way not to give the old Opster any lip.