Why does Dopie repeat everything twice?

7  2015-01-15 by billowred

The second time he says it he uses a fake horrible voice........ A faaaaake horrrrrrrible voice.

Since he's a board op can they put him in the same room as E Rock?


Opie Two Times?

gonna check the numbers check the numbers

Up vote to you motherfucker. Mutherfuckaaaw.

Because he's a worthless, talentless hack who has never been funny?


"repeat everything twice" = 4X?

In all seriousness, he has compulsions that he is so used to he thinks they're normal...or just doesn't notice how strange and weird they are.

I called him out on it about 10 years ago and fuck did he overreact. Hung up on me and ranted for a few minutes.

he needs time to think, its his "umm" thats not as apparent to people who dont think about speech

Because he's too dumb to speak rapidly.

One word: Autism.

I think opie is more what the average person means when they say autistic.

Unlike bobo.

but opie would say "on the spectrum" because he thinks it's a cool phrase.. "on the Spectrum"
right.?. no.?. yea.?.

money down that he can't read silently or without moving his lips

I think he has Dypraxia. Here are the emotional symptoms, all which the Dope possesses.

Emotion and behaviour:

  • Difficulty in listening to people, especially in large groups.
  • Can be tactless, interrupt frequently.
  • Problems with team work
  • Difficulty in picking up non-verbal signals or in judging tone or pitch of voice in themselves and or others.
  • Tendency to take things literally. May listen but not understand
  • Slow to adapt to new or unpredictable situations. Sometimes avoids them altogether Impulsive.
  • Tendency to be easily frustrated, wanting immediate gratification
  • Tendency to repeat themselves
  • Tendency to be erratic: have ‘good and bad days’
  • Tendency to opt out of things that are too difficult


How bout when he asks a guest a question, waits for them to answer, and as soon as they begin to answer he literally screams another question or dumb statement. WHY THE FUCK DOES HE DO THAT!!!!!????

I mean I know we faaahwkin say this all the faaahwkin time but it's gotta be said! Am I right?!

To make sure he was heard fully, just in case he caught a laugh

that's the bit

Alarm clock. Oh boy.......ooooohhh booooy.

He's obviously not very smart but it's also a radio technique to make sure people know what you're talking about and fill air time.