Feeling down? Read some Youtube comments

2  2015-01-14 by EskimoEscrow


... by the way, this is due for a repost. Let's get Reddit mad at him again.

I don't know how, but I can simultaneously hate both opposing sides.

The enemy of my enemy is my enemy [0:24]

Is the enemy of my enemy my friend, or the enemy of my friend my enemy? Or enemy of my enemy my enemy? The enemy of my enemy is my enemy.

beckbackler in Comedy

4,391 views since Oct 2009

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Even how he describes (or as Opie would say: "explains") the vid is enraging...he's a fucking consummate narcissistic illiterate.

ME: FULL STORY: Andrew was our homeless friend that we'd talk to regularly live on the radio as we walked from Krock to our XM studio. Everyday he'd get a lot of money from the listeners that followed our walk over. On this day I noticed the stale cake that Starbucks had thrown out cause the expiration date expired. Andrew got the cake out of the garbage. I decided I was going to stomp on the cake mostly because I always liked to see Anthony and Jim Norton cringe and get uncomfortable. Of course I didn't feel to good about myself afterwards. For the record I gave Andrew $100 that day for the pleasure of stomping his cake and everyone else gave him at least another $100. Now you know the story.

"Now you know the story."


Embarrassing how "The Destroyer" has to fall back on his, "It's okay because I gave him money" excuse. Why doesn't Opie own his edgy street humor? Why doesn't the namesake of a cringe humor radio show tell the listeners, "I did it for a cheap laugh. Too bad for Andrew."?

The money is his shitty apology.


Hashtag cakehorn

If you don't wanna give him the "clicks" here are some highlights:
- "you fucking piece of shit, I hope you die with a thousand dicks shoved way up inside your asshole. people like you should be put down like a ravenous dog"
- "The more videos I see of this dipshit the more I hope he gets some form of cancer that slowly eats at him for years until he is dead. The world is getting full, and we don't need garbage like this eating up resources. "
-"just kill yourself."
-"Good thing this Opie guy is already a dead-end piece of trash. Don't worry guys, no matter what happens, Opie fag over here will always be the epitome of a douchebag with nothing better to do than to ruin an innocent homeless guy's day. "

I was flabbergasted that this subreddit was defending him so vehemently when it went viral last year again.

I just don't get how this is funny in any way, I wouldn't excuse his behaviour no matter how much cash he gave him afterwards.

Because fuck the reddit cunts who jumped on this "cause" and then forgot about it a day later, that's why. They stormed in here and thought we were their enemies for the day, when in reality most of us gave Opie grief about stuff like this long before they had even heard of Gregg Opie and his antics. Defending Opie was a means to an end.

See the homeless guys smile get huge after he saw the money? Im sure he didn't care about the cake anymore. Just sayin..

the cash was an after thought from Shitbag when he noticed everyone's disgusted looks.

Yeah, true. I didnt hear much laughter after he did it.

While most of the pussies hate him due to the suffering of the poor bum I think most listeners just hate him after this clip due to how witless and unfunny it is. We feel personally slighted because he STILL thinks his audience are witless jocks that only want to laugh at the fat kid getting kicked in the head.

It's an insult to our intelligence and to the talent of the people around him that he sees brilliant comedic minds coming up with incredibly witty and creative mean jokes, he sees an audience laughing at them and joining in with a few funny lines of their own and he thinks, 'I know, I'll join in by smashing the guy's prized possessions! That's what we're doing, isn't it guys?'. It's another sign that he just doesn't get comedy and it couldn't be more fucking Chip. Taking something from harsh but funny jocularity to needless violence is pretty much Chip's signature bit 'fat fuckin bitch, let's kick her down the fuckin stairs!' Etc.

I stand with Andrew, be nice everybody! And be more funny

Dick move or not, I just want the world to hate Opie as much as we do.

So that makes it okay to embarrass him on camera and pretend it's comedy?

I don't give a shit, personally.


I stand with Andrew, be nice everybody! And be more funny