This thread is better than the show

4  2015-01-14 by mtx093

I love how 'Why Opie Sucks' posts still get 45 comments, even though we are like eight months into the narrative. Every day there are new angles on the topic. Keep up the hard work.


I read people saying this sub is a bit stale. They say it's the same post over and over again, and we need to move on. They say there's no new angles.

What's wrong with the angles we got? They hate pretty good. We got Opie sucks, Opie stammers, Bam is Opie's kid's dad, Lynsi is disinterested in Opie, Opie is a cuck, Jim hates himself for going with Op but can't say it for the money, Opie has tits, Ant is great but needs a co-host, Opie sucks, Opie's a liar, Opie sucks, Opie doesn't know how to do radio despite doing it since 18, too much Florentine and Soder, Opie copies Florentine and Ron B, Fez is better than Opie.

This should be on his tombstone. Along with d.o.b. - 2015.

You clever shrew.

We got Opie sucks, Opie stammers, Bam is Opie's kid's dad

Haha these were great. "Bayyyym? Stammuh?"

Only we're not 8 months in. Oqie has been this bad since the beginning of his career. It's all a matter of when you first noticed it.

I think he means since this sub has been ALL IN. And we haven't tapped out yet. Keep coming back for a little tassssste.

Thanks that's exactly it

toby. toby? toby? toby wong? toby wong. toby wong? toby chung, fuckin charlie chan

Hating Opie is a full time job.
