For the "why do you still listen?"brigade.Cause its fun to listen to bad jocktober..but with more hypocrisy

0  2015-01-14 by Lilcumia

How is this statement still posted.Sam said on his show if you dont like it you should find a knew hobby.The guy pulled and dissected clips to mock on satellite radio.Opies "passed you buy" shit is just as annoying.This is the main reason the shows gone to shit.The fuckin hypocrisy.And ther're still pulling clips from the Todd Show.They must see it.Also as much as I find Jim and Opie scumbags for resigning it is still entertaining to watch the show implode on itself.Derosas a dick.Fez stood up to Opie.Jims favourite word and worst fear is litigation.Theres loads of reasons to listen and you can find it for free so who gives a fuck

The best thing to happen would be for Todd to phone in and tell Opie the show has past him buy.waits for tomorrow