What is Opies direction of the new show?

7  2015-01-14 by Lilcumia

Dont acknowledge the shows short comings?Sports talk?Rock documentaries?Jim Florentine?


South. The show went past Australia and straight to hell

Aye Nye!

Blooooouuumin unyuan!

The shaow went SOUTH....it went straoight past AUSTRALIA...it went ta HELL....(all sounding like questions)

All in, straight into the fucking ground!

hash tag opieraqio

I don't know, and honestly I don't care anymore. I just know it's not for me anymore. My only regret is that I didn't cancel my sub earlier and start listening to actual talented people like Joe Rogan, Penn Jillette, Bill Bur, etc, etc.

Or Lookin GOOD Radio, www.lookingoodradio.com also free on itunes. (This week is a special episode, I hung with Ant at Carolla studios, if you want to hear all the behind the scenes shenanigans)

Sam Roberts

straight into the GAHBIGE

Take us out e-rock!

You know what, you're right. It is very pretentious for Opie talking about "the new direction" of the show as if he is working hard to take creative risks and artistic chances. The "new direction" is just showing up everyday and whatever the show is, that's what it is. There has never been any thought or effort beyond that

Circle aimlessly; iceberg


Doesn't matter becuase management LOVES it! new subscribers are over 9000.

Make that 9,001.

I am subscribed and it came with a new car.

an iceberg

Vapid, meandering, and self defeating.


Hopefully Boobster's "new" direction is to commit hari-kiri while live on-air.

Try to be like Ronnie B, with a fraction of the talent, humor, skill and hipness. Oh and instead of a gay guy who doesn't talk, he has a pervy law expert whose jokes get stepped on anyways.

Yup, big things for 2015.

Sports talk because NFL playoffs happened. Rock talk because Jim F's metal show is coming to New York in February. Don't get stupid on me.

Viral. #opieradio