Bill Burr VS Jim.Popularity Contest.

0  2015-01-13 by snoopkhat

I was checking out Ant's appearance on Kevins show and noticed this.Shows were released a week apart.

Jim:16,474 views

Bill:179,478 views

It's the media's fuckin fault!


Burr is all but a household name at this point. I hope he never gets Louie big, because right now he's got the perfect amount of fame.

Nobody but O&A fans know Norton's name.

He will never get Louis CK big because he doesn't have Louis CK sized talent.

Bill's late show appearances put him over 1,983,750 views 1,697,680 views

Bill Burr is good at manipulating people with his "I just tell it like it is" bullshit. He goes after easy targets that make him look like a brave alpha male and his idiotic "the bankers maaaaan" politics endear him to liberal morons.

Or he didn't have a radio show to fall back on so he wrote insane amounts of material and applied himself to acting.

don't forget southerners