Has Jimmy's acting improved since "Lucky Louie"?

1  2015-01-12 by ryanasimov

I know he's self-deprecating about his acting ability, but c'mon... would Jimmy have ever gotten that part if it wasn't Louis' show?

Anyway, has he done any movie or TV acting recently?


Jimmy has this really weird, unnatural "acting face" that he does, and this odd delivery of dialogue. It's always the same. He'll be like "So...Lou....ya think that guy will come along?" He throws in all these weird pauses & ellipses, ha ha. It's always the exact same. I love "Acting Jimmy." He stinks, but I love it.

My favorite thing he's ever done is in DeRosa's (I know) stupid skit about the Katt Williams tickets. I laugh every time I see this. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IABSZUW6oVI

Problem is, this is how he is during his standups too. That clip is Jim's best acting I've seen.

It's kind of fucked up, but it really is. That's the most natural/relaxed I've ever seen him.

He had a leading role in the first Spiderman movie as "Surly Truck Driver"

He stunk, and I didn't like him.

He could star in a remake of Willow

Hilarious on the radio but terribly bad actor. The blinking thing is real and distracting and he's just unnatural. Watch that poker scene in Louie and the difference between Norton and DiPaolo is astounding. Nick looks so natural and is actually good at it. Norton, and I love him, just doesn't have it.

Jesus, canned laughter? Anyway, the clips answered my question about his acting.

It's not canned, it was shown live at the taping (I was there for the Gilbert sketch).

I wouldn't say Jimmy's a great actor, but for the kind of roles he's given, he does a fine job.

Nope but I think he makes enough doing radio now, especially since Ants salary got divvied up. Ant should find some form of supplimental income.