Opie stole a 'line' from an Anthony bit from 2 months ago.

2  2015-01-11 by [deleted]

And butchered it too.

"I cant sing, give me a guitar. I'll show ya what just happened" - Opie


He said this to a bombing joke on Thursdays show to a singer. I submit to you, Opie stole this 'line' from an Anthony bit from 2 months ago. Anthony was making fun of Joe for trying to do radio by playing a guitar badly. Basically, stick to your thing and leave the radio shows to the pro. Opie was saying that, leave the funny to guys like me!

Only thing is, Opie fucked up his joke. He can't sing so give him a guitar? And why did you finish that sentence with guitar, thinking of Ants bit were ya?

Ant mocking Joe



He can't sing so him a guitar

You also linked the same video twice. Your post is shit.


Shit's heating up on a Sunday morning.

Can I do it too?


You think the Opemeister has time to watch Ant's show? He's always so fuuuuckin busy with the Opelets.

This is not a new joke. Both have said it over the years.

With that said, Opie did not deliver it well.


Yeah, I think that one of the things that Opie does that doesn't help his cause is that he will go into a joke without thinking about how to phrase it or support it. Someone like Jim, Anthony and even Kenny understand that it's not what you say but how you say it (and sometimes what you DON'T say). Just blurting it out doesn't make it funny.