If you were in Opie's position what would you do right now?

7  2015-01-11 by sillypig69

You know you suck and have no talent. But something has to keep Lynz from leaving so he needs that paycheck. Get back with Ant at any point? That is the only way I see him being relevant once this show tanks.


Kill myself

I knew this would be here, but I just had to check comments to be sure.


Won't happen. I'm pretty sure Narcissists rarely commit suicide.


Edit: you said rarely.. also Hitler is more talented and tolerable than Opie

What did Jew just say

Didn't see that coming. Funny funny guys around here.

Masturbate in the closet while Bam fucks my wife.

I mean, my preference would be for suicide. He's unlikely to do that. So, outside of suicide, I hope he would do whatever it takes to re-team with Ant. He's been making a good living for so long that he should have lots and lots of FU money by now, but give just how stupid he is, he probably squandered it on shinny things and sibling get-rich-quick schemes like that shithole of a bar he use to plug endlessly, so he probably needs the XM paycheck. Otherwise, he should follow Ant to the podcast world, with Ant's show being retitled, "The AJ&O" show.

To be fair...he's doing what's best for his career. Suckin up to management, playing to an audience that would buy shitty mugs. The guy sucks, he knows it but he still has a decent fanbase.

I would leave it alone

Droopy tits should join the Todd and Jayde Show to fill the third mic hole spot

Go on air, very calmly admit that there have been some problems and be open about my fears for the show so far. Admit that we've not been doing the kind of radio the old fanbase likes, say we'll keep trying to change and be as honest as possible on air, cut out music bits entirely, do some research and show prep on things, rotate comics more.

And also do say that this isn't the old show, nor could it ever be, and that the fans of the old show have been giving good support and we're sorry if this isn't what you like. I'd also skim through the older posts on this subreddit for the extremely valid critiques, and do a spur of the moment jocktober about roach eggs and the Dane Cook interview.

I'd probably keep trying to shoehorn terms like "Email Blast" into conversations as often as possible so people will see that I'm hip and current.


I'd sell coffee mugs for a little more pocket money.

I wish someone would buy that mug, take a dump in it and then post it here so Opie can see what he's selling literally and figuratively

Look at my bank balance and never stop laughing

Sirius won't take Ant back irregardless of the hints Opie drops. He's got two kids, a wife that's probably high maintenance and no doubt other relatives that he's bankrolling. In that situation I'd go for the safe option of phoning it in at Sirius for guaranteed money.


Spice up your morning omelet with powdered glass.

Yeah, he can't quit if he wants to maintain his lifestyle. If quitting wasn't an option, I would focus on finding a great second co-host.

Probably lie and make vague hints about the reason I made it being re-hired.

Put a shotgun in my mouth and re-paint the wall.

Get bams autograph


TACS and apologize for being so divisive. From there who knows but that's a really good first step.

I thought Opie had Fuck You money? Whatever happened to that? If I was Opie I would have said "fuck you" the second my contract was up.

Maybe he doesn't want to say "Fuck you!", just to make a bunch of fans who hate him happy for a minute?

Block reddit, close my Twitter account, and enjoy the money.

He needs to become an announcer and have a bunch of comics on. He introduces topics and kicks it to break. No more lame shitty intro songs either.

Basically he should watch game tape of robin quivers and pretty much try to copy it.

Honestly, he should have demanded Jimmy put his name on the show from day one. Probably a money thing.

Haha good post but don't attack the family.

I know, when did Opie ever sink that low--oh, wait....

I knew this would be here, but I just had to check comments to be sure.

Won't happen. I'm pretty sure Narcissists rarely commit suicide.

Didn't see that coming. Funny funny guys around here.

What did Jew just say