Can someone explain what the hell this kid was going for?

15  2015-01-11 by youfuckmymother


He was winding up to swing for 45 seconds

shuffling around lol

Lil Jimmy's response is adorable.

Yea hard to argue. What a Lil cutie... Shurrre

about time we have a constant soundboard jimmy! almost makes me want to listen to the show again.


Jimmy has a replay machine finally.

its anthonys machine

Opie bombs right after

"Talking epic failure!"


Could've warned me that I was adding to his numbers by clicking the link.

100% agreed. This only encourages socktits. It wasn't worth the click.

Don't do hack.


"On" CVS is just terrible, but is that another New York thing like "on line" instead of "in line"?

No, he just fucked up.

It seems like a New York fuck-up though, like your mind would be more likely to go in that direction with the "on line" thing in existence.


How come no one's mentioning that right after, Opie says "it's okay. I can't sing." HE'S IMPLYING HE'S FUNNY! He's saying "nobody expects you to be hilarious just like nobody expects me to sing." I am deeply offended by his insinuation that he ever lives up to any humor expectations. He should have said "it's okay, I'm not funny either. At least you can sing. I offer nothing." There. I feel much better now.

Yeah, it's always infuriating listening to old shows and hearing him say stuff like "leave the funny to us." What a delusional twat he is.

what were either of them going for, fentanyl is legal and actually the preferred end stage pain killer for cancer patients over something like oxycontin because of oxy having a bad reputation. so not only is that elderly man wrong so is that idiot for saying CVS pharmacy wouldn't sell it. jim made me laugh though.

He also called it fenatal

So Jimmy does have access to the joke bomb sound, I wonder why he's never used it on the opster

Because it makes the opester sad...leave it alone...

One more "I guess" would've rescued it.

Who is he?

The guy who is playing the "young Eddie Money" in the stage play.

You can get flu shots at CVS, it was a dig at Opie (notice how he looks right at him when he says it)

I think he was inbetween "on QVC" and "in CVS"

I dk what he was referring to but he is still funnier than Boobster.

At least the kid attempted to be humourous, unlike that boring old cunt... and by that I mean Opie.

He was dealing with a massive clusterbomb of anxiety, and picked one tiny one and threw it up and behind him willy nilly in a desperate attempt to contribute.

Picture being a black dude having supper in your white girlfriend's parents house for the very first time. Everyone is making lighthearted, polite, throwaway pseudo-jokes about nothing, including her dad. But every so often he glares at you with the most hate-filled predatory expression imaginable. Someone brings up an experience with a fairly potent drug and out of your mouth flies some awful nonsense like that.

Kid was scared shitless. If it hadn't come out of his mouth in words, it would have came out his ass as liquid.

how long did it take you to type that


who is that??