"Stop saying Dane Cook isn't funny and jumping on that band wagon"

13  2015-01-10 by Yaseetheo

When opie said that I realized he knew more about comedy than I ever would...


I've heard many of Dane's comic friends pontificate "duuuude, it's a lib alt comic conspiracy about Dane duuude, they all turned on him duuude". It's actually not that complicated

I was in college when Dane was getting big. I was a fan. I think his 1st comedy central half-hour was 1 of the best they ever did and I even heard his early CDs and liked them.

But you know what? His material started getting really weak. That's all there is to it. Maybe he couldn't keep up with the demand for new stuff but his shit just wasn't that good anymore. The special at MSG stunk.

I don't know why it's so out of the realm for comics to believe that their friends act just isn't that good anymore.

Same thing is happening with Derosa. I liked his 1st Comedy Central half hour but his 2nd one was dogshit. His interviews he does now where he doesn't even attempt to be funny and just talks about things that are meaningful to him like he's an important person - terrible. But then, his old friends like Big Jay, that love to tell the truth & be the guy to call out bad comedy still goes to bat for him. Sometimes comedians are just funny and then become unfunny just like a band will have a great album & then a horrible album.

Big jay shits on derosa all the time for moving to la and getting writing jobs so he can stop getting trashed by ny comics

Also, I look back at a lot of things I liked in High School and cringe. Peoples tastes change. Some of his bits hold up, but most just seem cringy and awful to me now.

Now I have a much more refined palate and enjoy such high brow humor as Big Jay on LOS looking at Ari's asshole pussy.

Yea that's true but like, from being into Dane Cook to not liking his shit anymore was a span of only a couple of years so I didn't age much. It's just that his comedy was good and then his comedy was not so good

I will say, the fact that no one who has ever gotten an opportunity to be a lead in comedy movies has made worse movies than Dane Cook. I'm talking Pauley Shore, Rob Schneider, Jamie Kennedy...they all weren't as bad as the movies Dane has made. That didn't help him

Dane Cooks standup is the Michael Bay of comedy and people noticed, it's not clever jokes so people noticed and the stereotype went around that he's not funny. I still hate his standup but enjoy him in movies and podcasts.

That's clearly a political statement.

The only time I've ever liked Dane Cook is when he bitched about Opie spoiling his jokes on O&J.


Eh. I'm no fan of Dane Cook, but he probably does get bashed too much. I look at him like I look at Carrot Top or Larry the Cable Guy. Yeah they're hacks but they're not pretending to be anything more than that. I don't expect much from them to begin with. There are other comics out there that get showered with praise who I find way more intolerable.


Holy shit! I totally forgot about YTMND. PTKFGS!

Ebaums represent. Wonder if typing YTMND in the forums still censors it.


I thought his earlier stuff was fine but it got tremendously popular with the college crowd which itself is reason enough for a backlash. The first part of hate against him was jealousy and reflexive hate of the mainstream and popular, the second criticism of his later material is more constructive and valid. His material wasn't as strong following his burst into stardom and he became overly reliant upon screaming and a bizarre, manic performance that saw him flying all around the stage like a performance artist instead of a stand up.

He hit a rough patch and started to improve after it.


Any "friend of the show" is also coincidentally hilarious and so are all of their movies. People who no longer do the show used to be funny but now they suck. This is why Jack Black's comedy songs are hack and lame but Stephen Lynch is a god.

Also Joe Rogan is a genius, Godsmack is an amazing band, Jay Leno does edgy material, and Brother Wease could teach lessons on how to be cool.

I consider it more of a general concensus, than a band wagon.