What if...

0  2015-01-10 by jamieblake

Management told Opie and jimmy that they needed to fire ant and let the dust settle for a year and that they would consider bringing him back after a year if they stayed. This doesn't sound like something that is impossible and would explain why they stayed with the company. Knowing that if they left it was all over for the show. Thoughts, questions, concern's, opie hate?


What's the benefit of hiring him back?

Management clearly doesn't give a shit about the quality of the show. O&A hasn't been a mainstream draw in years. Anthony is a PR nightmare.

This is about it. Sirius doesn't have Arbitron ratings to stress over or whatever for the show. They aren't as involved as previous managers, but they also don't care too much about it either. They probably don't know what to do with the show, but company inertia keeps the contracts renewed.

According to Opie management's position is "we'll see". Seems like being let down gently to me, or throwing them a bone, but certainly not that bringing Anthony back is at the forefront of their mind. I hope they do because I want the show back as much as everyone else, but I don't think it's likely.

Jimmy would have told Ant. Ant has spewed hours of vitriolic hate towards Sirius on his podcast already, if he thought it was a possibility he wouldve kept his wop yap shut.

Yeah exactly, O&J are doing fine, look at the youtube views! I like ant and wish him all the best but o&j are doing just fine by themselves. The hate the same old usernames give opie is tiring. 10,000 subscribers and the same 50 haters hmmmmmm.

Ugh.. kill yourself and your new account

Look at the youtube views. They're doing better than ever.



My thoughts exactly. And they are completely delusional that opir actually cares what 50 people out of a massive audience thinks of him

There was no dust. There will never be an O&A show again. Sorry. Try not to kill yourself.

Management's position has always been to drag things out and delay things until the guys give up or forget. The reason they do this is because it's easy and they don't have to answer to anyone but the show. There's no explaining to advertisers. There's no complaints from special interest groups. All they have to do is tell the show that they don't have any way of seeing how many listeners tune into the show and there's no ratings. They just say the show is doing great and it shuts O&J down.

And it's worked. Over and over again, it's worked. No events in studio, no events out of the studio, no contests, nothing controversial. They slowly changed the show from something you wouldn't want to miss to a talk show with two uninformed and uneducated hosts living off their past reputation.

When they re-signed back in Oct didn't CSK say on air that "here's to another 2 years" ? So they're locked in til 2016 surely?

The only things I've heard either of them say were that Ant was fired via email and hasn't spoken to anyone at Sirius management since. I assume any conversations of the sort would go over Wicky's head and probably be between Ant and Steve Bladder. Ant has mentioned Steve as the "Big Boss"/hard-ass that they'd go to when they were going to be yelled at.

And then Opie has said that he and Ant are confident that they each move on and do something on their own. OpieRaqio has to be a complete failure before Sirius will consider bringing Ant back, and they've set themselves up so far to be able to survive despite abject lack of content. They can still support a number of terrible shows, bolstered by their sweetheart deal with car dealers and the occasional viral video.

False flag operation, baby.

if oqie and norton are willing to take a salary cut

I think this is Opie's sly tease to try to keep some of the listeners from making youtubes of them doing creepy shit to their SkyFi units. It might work!