More standard Opie lines

17  2015-01-10 by MultiTwentyOne

Opie: I haaaate (thing). WHY do people LIKE THAT??

Guest: I like (thing).

Opie: Yeah I LOVE that! I'm all in with (thing)


ME: (Fake laughing coming in from break) HAHAHAHA, "Guest Name" was killing it for us during the break. You have to save that for the show!"

ME: I like the (person's name)

ME: Bravo sir, vurry good

ME: People are just stupid.

ME; I really just don't know.

ME: Just a taste.

The top one has been driving me fucking crazy for around five years. Everyone's name preceded with either "the" or "this".

This Tiger Woods. This Mel Gibson. The Jonah Hill. The Mila Kunis. The Joe Rogan.

Fuck, I never noticed this but thinking back he does say that all the time, now it's bugging the shit out of me

Another thing he stole. He stole that from larry king. One day they were making fun on larry king putting "the" in front of everything and what do you know, dummy starts doing the same thing from then on

Oh I never knew that. What a cunt!

ME: People are just stupid.

ME: People are just stuuuupid. They really are, they're just fucking stupid

Ant: Oh man did you see what happened with that 150 car pileup in...

ME: They're just...hold on. They're just....they're just stupid!

Jimmy: Oh I saw that, yeah, with the fireworks tru

ME: Soooooo fucking stupid ughhh let's go to TOM in Rhode Island TOMMAYYYYY

''thats what I do now''

Usually in the context of some of his rebellious behaviour/one of his amazing innovations to everyday existence

someone had a good line on instant feedback

:anthony and danny/sam/jim continue talking:


:Pity laughs:

Guest: Makes point that Opie agrees with

Opie: Claps into microphone to express agreement as Ant or Jim attempt to advance the conversation

The thing that got me the most was when someone (usually only Vos) dared take a shot at Opie, he would go something like, "Oh REALLY? Really Rich?? You want to do this?"

As if Vos better tread lightly with the Opster! Look out! He'll tell people to post shit pictures on your facebook!

I was listening to an old show with Patrice and the owner of the Comedy Cellar (can't remember his name), and Opie was all pissed off because he went to a Jets game and sat in traffic and couldn't find parking because he left too late. He was blaming the stadium for poor design and EVERYONE was saying how it's because he left too late to get to the game. The owner of the cellar made a few extremely mild jokes about how Opie was at fault and Opie goes, "He's trying to beat up on me me ____, we can slug it out. We can go at it today, trust me."

He said it so defensively and of course the guy quickly was like I'm not beat you up.

The fucking WORST

Yeah I remember that too, he really is a victim-complex-havin' cunt.

Btw, I think the guy was Vinnie Brand wasn't it? The guy who sounds like Kermit?

Yes, you are correct

I also like ,

ME: I Did Not Know That.

When he emphasizes the first letters of each word in his declaration.

" be honest wit chu."

That's how I know it's a complete lie.

Me: Fffuck! Beat me to it!


Beyond is part of his go-to phrases and he beat "uber" and "thus then" to death. Next up "that's so meta", as overheard from the whispering skateboarder hiding in his bedroom closet.

Oh YUCK. Remember when he would say thus then!

And then people told him he was a redundant moron and he spun it saying he knew it was wrong and pissed people off and that's why he kept doing it?!

Another line he stole from a former intern that the others mocked and then opie started using "ironically"

I fuckin hate the phrase "pocket money" that he is obsessed with saying

Yup...."envelope" and a "little sumthin, sumthin" go right with that. Fucking terrible.

I hate when he says "a little bit, little bit" as if it's some genius marketing phrase with a trademark and not just an uneducated stutter used to fill air time.

It's actually a Goodfellas reference

You guys really need to start understanding this radio show!

The absolute worst line is this:

Good morning everybody

What's particularly bad since the start of O&J is the way he comes in from the opening song with a "YAAAAHAaaa! That was Staind with..."

"Beautiful!" (this has been the absolute worst in the last two months)

"(Famous person) did our show once. He/She's a friend of the show"

"Right Sam?"

(Gets something wrong, someone corrects him) "No, I know that. I'm just saying (repeats incorrect thought)"

Using everyone's full name when speaking to them

When he uses someones full name when addressing them. Like "Really, tell us why, Sam Roberts". He did it to Bob Kelly when he said that they blew up the show with the St Pats assfuck problem...."How did we fuck it up, Bob Kelly?"

"I've been doing radio since I was 18 years old."

"Hi, who's this?" (Enter Bobo or Lady Di followed by fake Opie laughter)

"I HATE people with mental illnesses. My mom was so crazy."

(Interrupts good jokes between Jimmy and Ant to read the user lines, then): "Ah, crap, it's updating too fast, I can't read what they wrote."

"I took a little peek"

"That's what I said!"

"That's what I've been saying!"

"I was howling"