Just Burn It To The Ground

1  2015-01-10 by [deleted]

Just burn this embarrassment to the ground.

All the reasons why have been hashed out already. OPie is really bad at his profession. This was always painfully obvious, but it has came to the forefront the last few months. He has made money in his career, that is to be commended, but the hypocrisy he has shown was one day going to have come out, and should never be unchallenged.

Or, the alternative, just for shits and giggles to call out a person who built their career on being "edgy" only to crumble like dried up cake when he was thrown a curve ball (breakup of the o and a crew). Like a fake tough guy.

A grown man that has broke down like he has recently should be called out.

Here is what I suggest; Forget about him directly. Go for the outliers. Everytime he has a guest on, tweet etc them asking them why they would be on such a mind dulling boring show, or "did you notice the idiotic and uncomfortable question that guy asked you" etc. Send clips. It will serve to not only further make an insecure psychopath question himself, but to solidify the guest's low opinion of the show. The end game should be obvious.

There has been an increasing amount of sideswipes made about opieraqio from former "friends of the show". B kelly, C Quinn, Ron, and even Jim have alluded to how shitty Oraq has become, lets turn that stream into a river. Dont worry, Jim will be fine ( already has distanced himself from the show), and Gregg will be fine, but the listeners who built the show up since the beginning should get something out of this.

Tldr: best way to get at the show is to engage the people that go on it. Have fun and fuck around. Make them ashamed to be in that studio associating their projects with this vanilla idiotic nonsense. Hit the show where it hurts because if the show isnt going to entertain you guys, you mind as well entertain yourselves.


Nice try with the hate tho

Ok Gawker.

lol another lets rally the knucklehead army post. Havent you people learn anything since the anthony firing protest.

getting 20 people to tweet guy fiery, or whatever c lister that comes in that week is not going to kill opie.