Tony DeGrasse Tyson is on the show today! Wait, his name ISN'T Tony?

25  2015-01-08 by BillLehecka


Preparation is key.. something these unprepared fucks would know nothing about. But forget that, let's hear a room full of dimwits keep up with an astrophysicist when the show can't even get he's fucking name right.

And really.. Piers fucking Morgan?

Just shows they'll take anyone, Roland must be a pig in shit




God I cringe every time I hear that in my head... Opie is so embarrassing.

ME: That's embarrassing. I'm heating up.


Whoever is responsible for the design/branding of this channel needs to be executed. Holy shit, for a media company, Sirius XM is terrible at producing media.

This looks like a bad indie wrestling poster.

Here's a question any first-year graphic designer should ask themselves: Where is Neil Degrasse Tyson's Left Arm?


The main logo looks I need to put on those old tyme 3d glasses

And he's the only guest of the 3 that isn't a complete embarrassment that they have to interview to fill up time on their shitty show

Slow down. Tyson is a politically correct ass who just makes shit up.

can't downvote this enough

Well, let's hear you talk about quantum physics, smart boy.

Tyson is a planetarium gift-shop manager with a plan. Don't believe the hype, you doing that just makes us all look foolish.

That's what any ordinary jobbing astronomers research and publishing history looks like. Unremarkable. Maybe even a bit light, that's what astronomers are paid to do.

He left that behind to go into publicity and promotion. Mainly self-publicity and self-promotion.

He wants the book deal and speaking tours, reddit/Daily Show wants a science guy with brown skin that might let them touch his hair if they blow enough smoke up his unremarkable ass.

Wow, you're living on the edge, maaaan.

I bet you're enlightened by your own intelligence.

Are you saying I need to be more gullible and unquestioning to be seen as smarter? I dunno, that doesn't sound right.

No room at the inn, Tyson was born in a stable on a bed of golden straw. The reddit Cult of Tyson demands I pay no attention to that man (Tyson's booking agent) behind the curtain, you want I be less rational/sceptical about this so I can be more science-minded. Irony much?

He's a huckster pimping a lazy retread of Sagan, but bereft of the poetry, to anyone that will point a camera at him, and as long as the money's right, for an audience that can't handle the lightweight maths of a Feynman book.

It's Easy Listening pop-sci-lite for people that will angrily reply they don't like Easy Listening.

You got suckered in by this cover-band, that's not my fault, don't get fucking mad at me cos you bought wholesale into his profitable line of slick self-promoting horseshit.

Does your neckbeard get itchy?

the dude said Feynman,so he is cool man.

Do you see what I wrote in my replies, and do you see what you wrote in your replies.

I am more than delighted to let the comparison stand.


If you don't like him, fine, but get your fucking facts straight - his job is to set a curriculum for the planetarium, as a learning tool, and helps with schools and programs doing the same - and that's just one aspect of the job. Guys like Tyson are the guys who inspire kids to get into the hard sciences to study and have careers. Tyson has done more to help the field of science than your bitter ass ever will, through education AND publishing, which he still is.

Taking the job he did at the Hayden is one of the most prestigious jobs in that field, and you have to be the top 1 percent of the top 1 percent to even be considered. The Hayden is the pinnacle of a vast network of educators, museums, labs, and colleges. It's a big time, scary important job, and he's really good at it.

"Oh, he left publishing behind to be a salesman." LOL. You don't have a fucking clue, do you?

Just because he's not living in a 7 story walkup in brooklyn, and isn't dirt poor, all he does is negated in your mind. Fuck you, asshole. At least he's not selling sneakers or "thug life", and tells kids to study and learn.

And fuck your racism, too - his skin color has nothing to do with anything.

I'm calling out the racists, you fucking idiot. The reductivist tokenizing bedwetters that desperately want nothing more than a black friend, a science guy who is brown (and therefore doesn't look like dad) is a lottery-win wet-dream for reddit/tmblr/imgur/Colbert studio.

And to that end, they'll clearly and unashamedly accept/defend any fucking hack that fits that bill, that meets that single dehumanizing credential. Nye's bowtie supplies them their gayfriend, they needed the brown one for the set.

And fuck your racism.

Someone says brown, and your mind immediately snaps to "brooklyn, dirt poor, sneakers and thug life". You filthy fucking racist cunt. You outed yourself there, you perfectly made my fucking point.

You just don't get it, do you?

Wait, I knew that already, from your idiotic comments on his job.

Or maybe I do get it, and you don't.

... that's the level you want to attempt to drag this to? That's exactly how a child raised on soft content-free TV science and weak cult-of-celebrity acts.

He's a fucking hack. And he's not even fucking good at the Sagan act he is obviously attempting to ape, seen better. The routine falls apart if you can obviously see all the conspicuous moving parts.

People don't get into science because of guys like him, they were headed that way anyway. They always have been.

All he does is feather his nest and stroke his ego by selling tickets to lazy halfwits. And along the way collect as many honorary doctorates and NASA medals as he can carry.

You are a soft, gullible, racist cunt - the idea you'll attempt to talk-down to anyone here, and especially me, is a fucking outrage.

Blah blah blah.

... and other things that cunts who tried to open strong and found it quickly went out from under them, say.

From "fuck you asshole" to "blah blah blah" in just two scant replies, you embarrassed yourself here.

No hair touches from Neil for you tonight; you've been a very bad reddit cult of tyson fanboi. You let your whole team down with your abject and unsatisfactory display here.

Use the space below this for another final crippled attempt at the last-word, remember to downvote this reply, and then fuck off.

Blah blah blah.

Keep raging, it's hysterical - clearly any kind of discussion is pointless with you, it's more fun to watch you foam at the mouth.

... and that's what you chose?

You should have taken the time, there was no rush, it wasn't time-critical. You badly needed this final flounce to properly land a blow to attempt to salvage any sort of credibility.

But to pick the fake accusation of rage, that is absolutely the weakest most unconvincing cliche of the lot, so no great surprise you chose it. Why deviate now?

So how does that even work? Someone is foaming, and still laces you up in an argument, forcing you to submit in public (blah blah) ... or when they reply and say they're idling, nowhere near raging, making you look foolish for fun, how does either outcome make you look better.

It's a useless fucking move from a rank amateur, it just doesn't work.

You stink at this. Tyson love made you weak and stupid.

The foam. It's beautiful. So epic. So...pointless.

Well said, my man.

Says a complete fucking moron that jerks off all over his keyboard everyday.

Whoever made this assumed all black guys are named Tony.

Would be more believable if it said Jamal.

Hey it's PSU. Peckah Suckers United

PSU grad I presume?

Media destination.

holy fuck that's awesome.

Hey Tony TheGrass Tyson?

You related to Mike Tyson?

I am only asking because you are both black.

Wait, is this real? It's too shitty to have been done in earnest.

It was posted on their Facebook page by the main account.


And after the break we'll be having a word with Lou Ferragamo!

What's that? Oh..

Lou FerraGANO is coming up next!

This way they will never get the Neil Award.

Eddie Money looks like Florentine

And Punt

the one relevant person on the ad has his name mispelt...

What on Earth do they accomplish with these "posters"?

Would be more believable if it said Jamal.