All these Opie haters makes me laugh so hard

0  2015-01-08 by DutchHarry

People puking their guts out on Opie every single day in this sub, but they still tune in every single day to listen to Opie....

In what universe is this not a form of retardation?


This is the same run of the mill YouTube comment that every fucking moron has to reply with when someone says something bad about the video. "WHY ARE YOU HERE IF YOU DON'T LIKE IT??" Since when can we not critique the show we've all listened to and loved for years.

Above all else, it's fun to shit on Opie, and I think most of us will agree one that.

Ah, I like the Opester. Everyone hating him makes me like him.

Who said we still tune in? I haven't listened since July, doesn't mean I don't know Greggshells isn't a lying, fat titted raqio hack because that is nothing new. He's been that for many years.

Nice try with the hate tho.

I'll give you a Jimspiration: you have to know something to really hate something.

In this universe

I know. They are fawkin heliriois!

Retardation? You realize anyone can see your post history right? Might want to clean that up a bit before accusing anyone of being retarded. :)

You mean like your discusting timeline, you really should see a doctor for your mental condition asshole

I never understood the listeners that say they hate the new show. Hate Opie, hate jimmy, hate Travis. Why would anyone hate Travis? He's a such a sweet boy.

He was a huge cunt when he was always backing up Danny. Listen to his ikea story if u wanna puke

Happy Chinese New Year!

You mean like your discusting timeline, you really should see a doctor for your mental condition asshole