Think it's bad now? Just wait until the Presidential Election rolls around....

5  2015-01-06 by [deleted]

If you're a talk radio show you HAVE to talk about the election when it gets near that time.

The cringe material that's going to spew out of Opie's stupid mouth when they start breaking down debates. Holy fuck.

A bunch of "as a father" and "I've never voted, but..."


Yea But as bad as the inevitable "both candidates are idiots" talk they are going to have in 2016, TACS will be worse

Every presidential election when Ant gets in the mode of totally buying into the narrative of democrat v republican makes me cringe. He will defend everything the republican does and act like everything the democrat does is against America. Any flub the democratic candidate makes will be attrocious but every flub a republican will make will be defendable. Also, if the democrat is elected it would mean the end of America. every news piece about the democratic candidate that's positive in any way will be called "liberal media propaganda". It's gonna be bad

This is one area where I'm glad Anthony isn't there.

I can't wait to hear him talk about guns again. First they were suppose to be taken away if Obama got elected. Then they'd be taken away if the Republicans didn't get the House and Senate in 2010. Then they'd be taken away if Obama was re-elected...and once that doesn't happen, it'll be sure thing that the next liberal boogeyman will take them.

It's always right around the corner, yet never happens. Its like how many times can you claim its going to happen and be totally wrong, and still expect people to believe you?

Oh, and another thing Anthony was undeniably wrong on a massive scale about. Bin Laden and Obama. He said the day after election Obama would NEVER step on anyones toes to get Bin Laden. That he'd never bomb a country if they thought Bin Laden was there. How about sending a team into a country without their consent to shoot Bin Laden in the face? I'm sure Anthonys response would be his "YEAH BUT ANY PRESIDENT WOULD HAVE DONE IT OBAMA GETS NO CREDIT" bullshit. He was absolutely, undeniably wrong...

I've voted Republican since I was 18, and Ant's zero-compromise, sound-bitey approach to political talk still annoys the shit out of me. Before Obama was elected, I was like Ant in that I thought he would be a pushover when facing Islamic extremists. Thousands of drone strikes and a dead OBL later, I can say that I was surprised by his hawkishness. Meanwhile, Ant still pretends that Obama is treating the Muslim world with kids' gloves when the entire population of Pakistan is terrified of him.

And I'm not dreading his election talk because I am some huge liberal (I didn't vote for Obama) but the way he buys into the "coke v Pepsi" spectacle drives me nuts (remember South Park's Giant Douche vs Turd Sandwich)

There are people I know where for 3.5yrs it's endless bitching about the same lobbyists & corporations owning both candidates. But then, 6mo before every election they just get sucked in and find some reason why this election is different and why candidate A must win & candidate B is satan

Not saying Anthony is that way but I've heard him agree with guests when they talk about how the system is bullshit but he gets so carried away during elections

The whole "they're coming for your guns!!111!!!!" thing is just an NRA fund-raising tactic. Any time there is a mass shooting event or an election they mail out newsletters to their members saying they need donations now more than ever to protect our 2nd amendment rights! Then people send them money and run to the gun stores to stockpile just in case and, what do ya know, nothing ever happens. The NRA makes a ton of money, gun manufacturers and stores selling guns make a ton of money (who in turn donate to the NRA), the NRA donates a ton of money to people in political office/running for office who in turn support them and the world keeps spinning and everybody keeps their guns. I don't understand how people fall for it every time though.

Well, yeah, but there are also constant calls from the liberal side after these shootings, to do away with gun ownership, too. The libs make a lot of money as well on guns and fear mongering over them. And, there are attempts to further restrict ownership in the form of legislation at the Federal and state level. As a supporter of gun ownership, I know the NRA is just about as useless as a screen door on a sub, but they do have some legit points, too - as do some of the liberals, too. The only problem is both sides of the debate are controlling the debate - from untethered freedom to own anything you want, to none at all.

One of the things I strongly disagree with Ant over is the NRA. I think membership is pointless, except as a political point.

The liberals never go for "we want the guns." They say stuff like "we want universal background checks" or "we want to restrict the number of bullets/size of a clip you can have." The NRA turns that into "they want to come and confiscate the guns you already own." The Democrats don't even really push the issue because most of them are bought off by the NRA as well. The fight always starts in the middle and then dies down after a month or two. Look at what happened after Sandy Hook. People were going nuts thinking our guns were gonna get taken and then next to nothing happened other than gun sales spiked and the NRA collected a record amount of money.

Opie and Anthony are these weirdly opposite political clichés: Anthony is a fully-invested partisan who treats the Republican party like his favorite football team. Opie is the kind of idiot who sees partisans like Anthony and thinks that "hating 'em all" will make him seem reasonable and above the fray, but he's actually just too stupid to have an opinion. He's like people who say they don't watch the news because it's too sad, but they're really just buffoons.

"favorite football team" thats the best way ive heard someone sum up ants love of the republican party.

...and to be fair, Anthony does do that with whatever he sees as his side. His whole "whites vs blacks" thing is the same shit. He sees himself as white and therefore any racial thing that comes up, he needs his team to be right.

Your gonna hear a bunch of opie stating an opinion and retreating to the "I hate em all" white washing of his dumb views...

I cannot wait to hear stupid and ignorant repeat shit they read when they glazed over the newspaper article at 6 minutes before show time.

I could tolerate it if they called the show Stupid and Ignorant in the morning, then I would be all in.

Well, yeah, but there are also constant calls from the liberal side after these shootings, to do away with gun ownership, too. The libs make a lot of money as well on guns and fear mongering over them. And, there are attempts to further restrict ownership in the form of legislation at the Federal and state level. As a supporter of gun ownership, I know the NRA is just about as useless as a screen door on a sub, but they do have some legit points, too - as do some of the liberals, too. The only problem is both sides of the debate are controlling the debate - from untethered freedom to own anything you want, to none at all.

One of the things I strongly disagree with Ant over is the NRA. I think membership is pointless, except as a political point.