You guys are embarrassing.

0  2015-01-06 by bimpy

"This sub makes me laugh so much" and, I literally read this the other day, "I'd love to see a podcast with the three funniest guys from this sub" that was actually said, and people upvoted it! But in all seriousness where can you find recycled shotgun suicide jokes, plagiarised lines from the show and fucking puns! You guys are a bunch of Bobos.


The Moderators like the direction this sub is going. Nice try tho

Sometimes, when I'm feeling down and out, I will make a throw-away Twitter account just to ask Bobo; 'What kind of Dog Mr. Maloonigans is?'

If once counts as sometimes, and bored counts as down and out.

I will cop to being "embarrassing" any day ;>

But in all seriousness where can you find recycled shotgun suicide jokes, plagiarized lines from the show and fucking puns!

The comedic stylings of Jim Norton's act?

I love how this tard says we plagiarized, like as if a guy came on the subreddit and started pretending he had this new funny character he wanted to share tsssss

Yeah he re-does his tired old act over and over, but at least they are his fucking jokes! You clowns here like to pat each other on the back for making those same jokes! You people arent even hacks you're just reddit. You are redditors. Watch out though, some of you say "faggot" and "nigger" how edgy.

OP, we aren't trying to be edgy. You really are a faggot.

Can confirm a minimum of 4 penises in OP's mouth at any given moment.

That one hurt my ribs lmfao

MonsteRain got a nigga! Ribs hurtin' today!

It actually sounded like "to day!" If u go back to the clip you'll pick up how that jelly-tited tard can only read one syllable at a time...


It's not about being edgy, it's about you being a faggot.

"Edgy"? The only person I've heard who still thinks "edgy" is cool, not the Internet insult it's become is Oqie. Is that you Jelly Tits?

Nice try with the hate tho


Calm down guys, we got an edgy 'tell-it-like-it-is' guy who's gonna change our view

I picture him rolling up his sleeves and turning his chair acround backwards to get 'real' like the tough no nonsense basketball coach in an inner city high school movie.



50 dollars?! Big spender eh?

Righteous bucks

Maybe this sub has passed you by.


im funnier than Opie sir. My podcast would be a hit.

Pleeeease post a show of your own.

The difference is Opie had the balls to take his mediocre act and make millions and you are posting your genius hilarious act on this sub, making nothing. You are a joke, just like your stupid wife and even stupider kids.

Opie does his act for millions. Opiesucks does his act for our smiles and laughter. Who's the real hero here... gang?

Awwwww your smiles and laughter, that's the most precious thing I've heard in this sub.

Considering opie is on the retirement-victory-lap of his career, it would be sad if he wasn't making more than most of us, I might be jealous of opie if he was a 20 something 200thousandaire but a 60 year old with a wife who take strange skateboarder cock is nothing to be jealous of, especially when he obviously doesn't have enough fuck you money to leave this shit fest

Considering opie is on the retirement-victory-lap of his career

This is like calling R. Budd Dwyer's suicide a victory speech.

Well you don't make more money than a twenty year old Opie and your stupid whore of a wife fucks someone less famous than Bam. So no matter what your life sucks. We are not even going to Talk about your retarded kids, Fuck them.

I do actually I'm in legal and compliance at an ib.... Opie was working at a shit college station at my age..... Also I'm not married... But seriously dude what gets u so motivated to defend a guy who doesn't give a shit about u? R u really that lonely?

I don't really give a Fuck about you, your stupid fucking wife, your faggot kids or where you work. I like Opie and anthony, I'm not going to turn my back on them like your disloyal faggotity ass.

Anyways with more States legalizing gay marriage, you'll be married soon. Don't worry.

I really should start selling coffee mugs to retards too...

Why? You don't need money, you work in legal and you don't have kids or a wife/husband you should be set. And no one wants your "I work in legal" mugs

That's terrific, that's terrific.

Which coffee mug did you order, the "EMPTIES, MAAHHHN!" or the "SLOBBO?" Faggot.

This sub is 10x funnier and more entertaining than the current radio show they churn out every day. I listen to Howard now, but I read this sub because it is very funny. The listeners are still a bunch of mean, crazy idiots, and I love it.

Just like the O&J show, this sub has its moments.

This thread is like a really bad thread... on crack !!!

OH SHIT you know it's EXXXXTREME

Sticks and stones, sir.

No we're not, awright?

There is a corpse subreddit for O and J fans, if you post once a day you will be the top commenter.

Other than that I give you the obligatory go shit in your hat and GTFO.

Ok Lynsi

And so what does that make you?

This guys got balls. Clearly understands humor and the internet too


Maybe this sub just passed you by.

What do you do for a living, character?


ugh bimpy, what a faggot name. typical coddled child piece of cunt.

Bimpy speaks the truth. There is nothing of value in this cesspool.

There are laughs here. Laughs are the kisses from Baby Jesus.

This is the most honest post i have seen in a while. The recycled banter is pathetic. You guys ARE a bunch of bobos

I really should start selling coffee mugs to retards too...