Opie and Anthony page is unprotected once again. ATTACK!

19  2015-01-06 by BoBoBooBobobboboo


I'm gonna erase the I's and A's in all instances of Anthony's last name and say that Opie went to school in Fart City.


Lol first line under program content http://i.imgur.com/PCb54fE.jpg

ME: Everyone knows wikipedia is bullshit, OwnerOperator316 on twitter loves my whole line of merchandise, nice try with the libel tho.

I love how even after they claim to have "removed vandalism" it still says Dopie and The Worm at the top


The name changes haven't been reverted yet.. http://imgur.com/buug4oI

"Grand Wizard" Anthony Cumia. Lol.

I tried updating the Wikipedia page for Harborfields High School to more accurately reflect dOpie's contribution to entertainment but it just kept getting denied.




While Gregg "Hold On" Hughes made me laugh, does nobody understand what a radio "format" is?

The format didn't change. They talk about news, bullshit, have a guest or two, and Norton talks about drinking hobo cum. The show's been like that for years. There hasn't been a "format change."