So Duncan Trussell and Ari Shaffir kiss during UFC182 while probably on 'Shrooms.

39  2015-01-04 by Wurmspiralmaschine


So mushrooms make you gay?

Jimmy must be tripping balls daily if that's the case.

Pretty obvious they did it knowing the camera was panning towards them, ari was laughing and wiped off his lips at the end.

Geeeeeiiv yuurrsellffff a bbaayyllleeee

tsss.. Ari what are ya, some kind off gay pirate or sumthin?....tsss


Those dudes are cool. I would love to trip with Duncan.

Where would'ya go? tss tss

Sooomewwhhhere ooover the rraaiinnbooww..

that was fucking stupid

Sorry, i just took some shrooms. Feelin good

Fawk yea

Duncan rules.

I don't hate Ari Shaffir, but that dude has never made me laugh once. Conversely, I like Duncan's stand up, but I can't stand him in any other capacity. Esp when he's on Rogan's show. He comes off as a dumb, annoying hippy and the epitome of the "mmmMMAAANN!!" character.

That's my two cents. (Which Ari is after; he's a jew)

OK, that's pretty funny.

Ari has been getting gay lately, showing off his pussy-like asshole to all the guys from Legion of Skaks


You know, they both do have "the gay voice".



I let a guy fuck me in the ass and then I took shrooms and blamed it on the shrooms. Conscience clear

no homo

Fun Fact: Opie invented the phrase "no homo".

It's not gay if you don't push back.

I imagine that the MMA community views Ari and Duncan as Rogan's personal pontificating potheads, much like how he might have a personal assistant or accompanying agent.


That's great. I bet everyone around was like WTF.


People still watch UFC? Let me message this to my entire buddylist on AIM and post this on my MySpace page

Look out UFC watching nerds, this guy will pwn you with internet!
