Real question: Could Opie handle a Jocktober-level dissection of his on-air abilities by another radio show?

29  2015-01-04 by ryanasimov

If Opie ever read anything in this sub it would be easy for him to convince himself it was just a tiny group of haters. But could he stomach having his verbal miscues and unfunny lines singled out and torn apart by a legitimate radio show? Could Opie dismiss the speculation of the lack of contribution when he sat in silence through countless guests as Anthony and Jim carried the segment?


Opie couldn't even listen to Fez make fun of him.

Eyy there, this is Jellytits McSnaggletooth and you got cockaroaches in my melk!



He would put it up on his youtube channel and then claim he never listened to it.

That's why I always say stop with the Bam shit. Because when someone is saying "Your wife sucks strange cock" you know they're just hating on you, which seems to me would make something easier to dismiss...

But when someone is CONSTANTLY pointing out EVERYTHING you know that is terrible about yourself, it hurts more.

And we know he gets a little tasssste of this sub every once in a while.

And we know he gets a little tasssste of this sub every once in a while.

Do you get a taste before or after you take a peek?

What about envelopes with shekels and pocket money?


Unless his wife is really sucking strange cock.

My question is... why are you trying to find all the little things that hurt the most? What did he do to you?

No, which is precisely why they didn't do it at all.

I was listening to the JV and Elvis back-and-forth a few months ago and when the "board-op" comment was dropped Opie lost his shit. The truth hurts. There were a few Opie cringe moments in he was looking to Anthony and Jim to say "I do stuff...right guys...I'm funny...guys?...guys?"

Timestamp for the board-op slam?



He can't handle when people write on his social media that he is a hack or not funny or any kind of criticism whatsoever.

He'd probably do his best to ignore it, but cry himself to sleep every night.

He'd never acknowledge it....would take Sam bringing it up to force him to address it and he wouldn't.

Anthony should do the dissecting

A lot of the Jocktober shows weren't even that surgical. Sam would play a bit, Jimmy would groan loudly or just go silent, Opie and Ant would debate even doing it that day and maybe make fun of Sam, they'd complain about Prepburger or say "we've heard this before!" after a bit, and Opie would yell about nobody else out there is honest. That's it. The stuff said on here is way more precise and sometimes like walking into the shed from A Beautiful Mind.

Maybe the later Jocktober segments devolved to that, but I wouldn't know yet; I'm still listening in order and I'm only up to mid-October 2011. Back then Opie had a constant refrain of "Why is this funny? Who listens to this and finds it entertaining? It's enraging that they have an audience that eats this shit up! (Insert host) can't talk, and when he does it's not funny!"

I've never heard ANYONE on radio who has a more overblown sense of what they contribute than Opie.

Yeah. I just picked Jocktobers randomly and the later ones made me think that Jocktober was going to end anyway. If so many of these shows are lazy and they just pick the same pre-designed bits from Prepburger, then there is going to be a point where it's just the same shit over and over.

Other shows have done it like that JV and Elvis show but people like Jimmy the human lamprey would defend him every time.

No way.

If he could laugh at what an idiot he is/can be and could take a fucking joke about himself, he would not be all that bad. Instead he sits there jerking off and telling us all of his decades long career and mocking others in radio that are in markets and positions that he himself would be in were it not for Anthony. But no, there is no way he could handle it, that is if he could even see his fuck ups.

not in a million years; he really is the hole

Not a chance. He was embarrassingly defensive when Humble and Fred were explaining their "not that funny" comment, and they are being very nice.

Real duestion


Of course not

HEEEHEEEHEEEHEEEHEEE "I love the internet!"

What do you think?

WHY has this not happened yet?

There have got to be dozens of shows that are still butthurt over a beating they got from O&A over the years- you'd think that one of them would do this just out of spite.


Real answer: he doesn't give a fuck about you or this gay little subreddit no matter how much you homo's try and convince yourselves that you're "getting" to him.

Seriously, think about it... He's been in the public eye since before you were born. I'm sure he's learned the golden rule of the Internet which is to ignore the idiots. Fuck I've been doing that since dialup BBS's

Go back to pretending your life has any value and / or meaning.

Let me know when you have a show that I can compare too. I'll hold my breath!

And we know he gets a little tasssste of this sub every once in a while.

Do you get a taste before or after you take a peek?

My question is... why are you trying to find all the little things that hurt the most? What did he do to you?

Unless his wife is really sucking strange cock.