Why doesn't everyone stop bitching and actually do something, Lets get Sam Roberts fired

0  2015-01-03 by Blockyblizzle

this is what we do,
we overwhelm siriusxm saying that Sam Roberts is racist against mexicans to that point where they have to do something (tweeter, phones, emails, ect.)
If we threaten to cancel our subscriptions they will have no choice but to fire.


Let's please have a 2015 without Sam. Let's try to set him up with an interview with the fawkin devil. Whorens blastn thru Sammays brain like a bullet dvvv dvvvv dvvv. Hoep that covksucka dies forever

Since Sam can pass for Jewish and Arab, what's the likelihood of getting a fatwah decreed upon him?

You can't be fucking serious.

This ought to be fun.

What?? You wanna give Sam money too?

If you want to truly fuck with Opie, it would probably be easy to get Troy "boring stories and shitty production dvv dvv woosh" Quan fired by posting his Zito rant and sending it to The Gawker.

They'd probably end up posting his fictitious stories and making him a national celebrity by accident.

FEMA Region II detention camp followed by a transfer to Plum Island is the only acceptable solution to that genetic disaster.

I understand the hate, really, but we'd be no better than the pissy eyed jackasses who got ant fired.

This might just work