Poll: How often do you listen to O&J?

6  2015-01-03 by EskimoEscrow


lol at the results so far

The fact that I could vote multiple times nullifies any credibility to this

Not at all. The show sucks now with Anthony as an anchor. I'd much rather use my commute time listen to podcasts.

I listened to the first two shows after ant left and bailed. After 10 years I already had one foot off the fucking boat. All the old characters were gone and the formula was getting stale. Maybe I'm just old and cranky though.

I haven't listened I think since the Kevin Pollak appearance when he made Sam cry, or shortly after that.

I only down load it if a good guest like Bob Kelley, Vos or Dipaolo is on. I haven't listened to a full show in at least a month.


I don't listen I read this board at least every 3rd day. If I see there was a good guest I stream that episode & go straight to the guest. I sure as fuck don't pay for the show anymore either, free pirate streaming on demand for this negro duck.

I put only in selected clips, but honestly that's just like maybe 30-60min over the past three months.

I've only listened to a YouTube clip of them talking about Ants firing and even then it was dull and I didn't finish it.


I listened to the first show. That was it.

I start the show because I'm always driving at that time. If it doesn't start with a special guest(Anthony) I shut it off and listen to kittens dying on liveleak

I've listened to every show from beginning to end for like 7 years. I work at my desk and it helps pass the time.

How often do you complain on the Internet to strangers about something you don't listen to?

Are you having a stroke? All I see is a link. No complaints or even anything saying he doesn't listen. Did you post in the wrong thread?

I found him guys. Its the Opie fan.