Bobo Admitted To Hospital - Currently Under Serious Kidney Failure

0  2015-01-03 by I-take-beast-shits

Hey guys, I don't really do this reddit thing so bare with me for a moment. I'm a fan of the show and also became friendly with bobo after going to a few appearances.

His mother just sent out a mass text from his phone explaining that bobo was rushed to NY Presbyterian Hospital earlier this afternoon. Details aren't fully available yet, but the outlook doesn't look promising. Daniel was urinating blood and has been going through periods of serious pain for the past week now. She explained that his fuckin peckah was chopped off by mr maloonigans after his dawg wiped his purlapsed asshole all ova the fuckin floor or sumthin


This guy is loying.

He's not loying awright!?

I'd be sad as shit if bobo died.

I think Bobo is great radio.

He's one of my guys.


Fuck you man. Serious go fuck yourself.


ya kiddin!

Knew it was a chip before I even clicked the title. You people gotta think outside the box like the guy who posted the fake Gawker article.

tha-that's terrible, I'm sorry.

All I got from that was he got his period.

I was actually worried about Bobo, what the fuck is wrong with me?

Me too

Here comes the pre.

Fuck you dude, seriously bad karma.

I'm going to have to break out my Bobo condolences photo-chops from the last two times he passed away.

She explained that his fuckin peckah was chopped off by mr maloonigans after his dawg wiped his purlapsed asshole all ova the fuckin floor or sumthin

I've never been happier to be chip rolled. I just learned something new, I'd be sad if Bobo died.


"serious" kidney failure?

Ahh, the joys of reading more than the first line

So he's a transsexual now? Somebody might want to let Jimmy know

I think Bobo is great radio.