Has the show's decline hurt its comics?

2  2014-12-31 by [deleted]

Just saw Florentine is doing one night free in his next city. Doesn't seem like a good sign.


The listeners who put shows up on YouTube definitely helped Louis, Burr, and Patrice get fans, and now that the show's not funny anymore that won't happen for anybody else. On its own the show's reach has never been wide enough to change anybody's career. Maybe it helped Bawby fill the Stress Factory once ten years ago or it got two extra creeps out to one of Vos's restaurant gigs, but that's it.

I think it's bad for some of the guys' work that they've lost a place where they could go and freely talk shit for an audience that appreciated it. Louis switched from getting laughs to begging for applause since he stopped coming on, Burr's last special is about how he hates his fans (you know, us) because they don't want to watch him castrate himself onstage, and Colin's probably added forty volumes to his Unabomber manifesto since that day he went on Anthony's show and got his spot wrecked by that annoying autistic kid.

no one gives a fuck about louis and burrs shows uploads on youtube.

late night talk show bits on youtube is what made them go viral

Instead of showing the comics off as funny guys like when they had the "hang" format, now they're just exposing them as non-radio guys. It's really hard for even interesting people to stay on a topic for 30-60 minutes if it's not organic.

Most of the comedians that came up with Jimmy and the show have all moved on to bigger and better projects. They don't need the show. The only ones that still come aren't really that great or they're just good friends that get bored and stop in.

Doesn't hurt or help at this point. Nobody is listening

I certainly don't think as much of Florentine since the show changed. Maybe it's overexposure, or his limited repertoire. But then I'm not 8 years old.

How do you feel about Fantasy Football?

It's forced conversation when comics come in and seems like more of a performance than an appearance. Shit like "This guy is killing it for us today!" makes it seem inorganic instead of a natural conversation (where you aren't actively complimenting a guys appearance). Just let the conversation flow, most of these guys know how to be funny...

Opie's meta talk does constantly ruin the immersion. God he's a useless turd.

Am I out of line when I say that I've never been a fan of Florentine? I mean never, not once.

The comics are all dead in the water anyway

What comics?

The comics that started with Jimmy are all now either dead, bigger than the show, or Rich Vos.

They haven't cultivated a relationship with a new young comic in years. (Maybe Soder fits that bill but I suspect that that relationship was set up by SXM and wasn't organic)

I don't think it hurt them at all, but it probably caused less exposure.

How do you feel about Fantasy Football?

It's forced conversation when comics come in and seems like more of a performance than an appearance. Shit like "This guy is killing it for us today!" makes it seem inorganic instead of a natural conversation (where you aren't actively complimenting a guys appearance). Just let the conversation flow, most of these guys know how to be funny...