How many have gone to see Norton live?

28  2014-12-31 by sonofarex

Saw him last night, was a pretty good show.

Only problem was the annoying super fans that yell out chip or uncle Paul lines trying to get attention. God damnit does that make me cringe. Adult fucking men waving their arms trying to get teacher's attention.

Yes we get it, you're a fan of the show and maybe seeing Club Soda Kenny live in the flesh is a big deal to you, but if he ignores you the first 3 times you yell his name then he's probably going to keep ignoring you regardless of how loud you get. He's trying to do his fucking job.

If this person is you, please stay at home and yell at your radio instead of disrupting a comedy show with your nauseating bullshit.


It happened a couple of times during the show I saw him at. Some idiot yelled out "Lady DI' at the show I was at... WTF people?

It's like apes learning to speak English, they're just pointing and shouting out odd word associations. "THAT PERSON ON THAT SHOW YOU'RE ON!" Okay? And?

They sound like disciples of Opie.

they sound like the idiots who post a thread of a bag of chips on here.


I feel that way whenever I see anything related to "The Philly Crew".. just typing that, I feel like a douche. Why does that amuse some of you? What kind of knuckle dragging retards use the word "CREW" and think it's cool. I used to get in fights with stupid assholes back in the old hardcore / punk rock days, always had to hear this gayness" I'm coming back with my crew"..UGH!! Little tough guys get their asses beat and cry about their faggot ass "CREW" coming to beat my ass. I need a drink now. Talk among-st yourselves.. Happy New Year REDDIT BOARD CREW.. Echhh!!

Reminded me of this


I've seen him a couple times and as usual it's a much better experience live than watching one of his specials. Neither time did anybody at the shows I was at yell or heckle anything and it's been sold out each time. I do have a picture with Kenny and my god does that doofus look just like a dodo bird. A HUGE dodo bird

I guess it's not the standard then. I've seen him twice and both times there were some disruptive mouth breathers that didn't know how a comedy show works.

I'm sure it happens a lot with Jimmy given the fan base for the show. It surprises me a little though given how often the comedians have made a point on the show that comedy is not audience participation. Though I suppose you get a few 'road sodas' in them and all bets are off

I can understand the excitement, he's a pretty big deal to some people. And that kind of thing might be more acceptable or even encouraged at one of those shows where O&A used to tour.

I guess the part that really annoys me is that it's a comedy show and it's disrespectful to the person performing and annoying as shit for the other 99% of the audience

Absolutely. There are few things more irritating than someone in the audience trying to be a part of the show. Most hecklers should be shot from a cannon

It's called alcohol.

When I used to see him back in Buffalo, people would yell shit out but it never bothered me; somehow, most of the time, the people there just knew how to do it right. Jimmy's shows there in his heyday were the best, it was more like a rock concert, his shows were crazy. Jealous he's doing NYE shows + at the Buffalo Helium. Wish I could have stayed home for New Years.

I miss him in LA, he rarely does stand up out here. Only time I see him is if he's gonna be on a TV show, and I know ahead of time & can get in the studio audience. Jimmy's my favorite comic.

most of the time, the people there just knew how to do it right.

That's very rare from my experience, but when the crowd is in tune with the performer and occasionally yells things out it can add a lot to the show. Most of the time it's just a bunch of belligerent drunks ruining the experience for everyone. It's pretty cool that you got to see him live during the Golden Era though my friend, I wish I could say the same.

The best ever was I think the first time Jimmy ever did Buffalo, or the first time since O&A got picked up in 2001, he had Vos open for him and Vos just got heckled to shit. But it was more like 'fun' heckles, where the crowd was literally funnier than Vos. Even he was laughing. It ended up being mostly crowd work I think, like him slamming everyone back and it was hilarious. People were yelling his punchlines to his stupid 10yr old jokes and shit before he got to them. That was a fucking good time.

It sounds like it, I always wanted to see Rich Vossh live to see what his material's actually like, or if he has updated his act at the very least. It's hard for me to picture him doing structured bits or anything resembling them given his appearances on the show, which mostly involves tongue tripping and mispronunciations. Good stories though man, I always find it interesting to hear or read people's accounts of seeing these guys live in clubs.

173 yearsh shober, by the grashe of gawd

Yeah Im glad I caught them in their prime, I'm lucky for that. I remember going to see Spider Man when it came out, and the whole fucking theater cheered when Jimmy's cameo popped up.

One of my favorite Jimmy jokes, it was so fucking stupid. He's at the sold out Rivieria theater in N Tonawanda, the same theater Colin once famously had to be smuggled out of in a trunk due to the angry crowd. Jimmy goes "You want to impress a girl at the grocery store?" He starts telling this story, gets the tone of the room way down, so everyone is intently listening. He goes "You follow her to the produce section. You wait til she's near the bananas. You walk up next to her, pick up the banana like a phone, and go....hello?"

It was like one second of silence, followed by maybe the biggest laugh I've ever seen him get. It was so goddamn dumb, only Norton could have gotten away with that fucking awful joke, but it brought the house down. I'll never forget that, he roped the whole room in thinking it was gonna be this filthy joke, and then it turns out to be something Grover could have said on Sesame Street, for fuck's sake. Fuckin Jimmy.

That's a great bait switch, I definitely would have expected the easy joke there as soon as he mentioned "banana". Especially coming from Jim since his reputation as a comic is largely linked to his deviant style of humor. It'll be interesting to see his next special, I haven't been too big on any of his formal releases but I still feel it's going to come together for him commercially at some point.

I've seen Jimmy live about 6 times. The first time was right after they were kicked off of WNEW. He was awesome and he was super nice and approachable afterwards. He not only took pictures with everyone but he shook hands, signed autographs and just talked to whoever wanted to meet him. This was before XM.

The last time I saw him was just a few months ago at Stress Factory. His set was definitely very good but I've noticed as time has gone on Jimmy has become far less approachable. I agree that the super fans are super annoying and I don't blame Jimmy or Kenny for ignoring or even heckling them. But what I've noticed is after the show Jimmy and Kenny are both rather short and sometimes even rude to the fans. I'm not even saying it was me. I just noticed their interactions with the fans that were on line to meet and get a picture. It was a very rushed, almost unfriendly process. And it's not like it was a ridiculously long line. It was the stress factory so the crowd is only so big. The line for pictures ended up not even being that long. So it definitely wasn't for lack of time. And to boot, it took Jimmy and his people weeks on end to upload the pictures to his website (you can't use your own camera).

Jimmy is becoming a self important little douche. He's still funny and will be a successful comedian for a long time to come. But I just despise how he is becoming exactly like the celebrities he always bashes. I guess success and fame went to his head a bit.

Jimmy and Kenny were cool to me but I also sensed that Jimmy wanted to get back to the green room asap and rest up before the 2nd show. I saw Vos at Goodnights in Raleigh. He did well. He is pretty likeable and of course his crowd work did better than most of his material. I asked him to sign a CD and he couldn't have been nicer.

Norton is great live. I've seen him a couple times now.

I went to see Norton live and it was great, I stood there and yelled "Fawkin' Peckahs" all through the show. The crowd was fantastic and I didn't see any of the people you are talking about amongst them.

Never seen him since I'm in the UK and Jimmy won't come here because we 'hate America'. Which, even if it were true, sort of implies Jimmy either thinks there are no alternative niche scenes anywhere else in the world that are completely out of step with the mainstream culture and/or that he thinks he is a mainstream star in America rather than a niche performer who would be booed off the stage for his political and social views by any mainstream American audience.

I'm going to the Jan 17 taping of his new special. Never seen him before either.

If most of the stuff he did last night is going in the special then it should be a great one.

I would but he's a dick that refuses to market himself and travel beyond the US and the same handful of giggle shacks he knows he has an audience in.

Hate to make excuses for the guy but it seems like doing a show 4 days a week makes it hard to cast a wider net with tours. Especially now since leaving opie alone for a week or two would be catastrophic

I don't like Jimmy, but in all fairness he has said many times he fears he won't do well overseas.

He will probably never come to Australia.

Which is a shame. I've heard nothing but great things about the comedy scene there and Norton would probably fit right in with you filthy animals

It's actually horrendous in terms of being able to make a living from it, but we get great comics that come over from the US, Stanhope just came over and killed. Norton would definitely fit in well over here though.

I always thought it was weird that Jim Jefferies is virtually unknown in Australia. Why is that?

Well Jefferies did did open mics here for like 6 months and then did the rest of his time in the UK, because his act doesn't revolve solely around irony he became pretty successful over there. I hate the snobby UK comedy cunts. But yeah, Jefferies got famous everywhere else and Australia followed suit. This country just sucks in terms of getting any success unless you're a gay comic or a really douchey australian who goes up at the end of his sentences and talks about strictly australian things.

Because he is unfunny there too

Really? He's done remarkably well for himself here and in England as well. But what the fuck do Americans know about comedy, right?

'You never see a Jew dressed up like a nazi'

wow, what an obscure reference.

English people like him because they're retarded drunks that are 40 years behind in comedy. Patrice was right.

Admittedly I haven't watched much of his comedy, what I did see wasn't bad, but he's always been great on O&A, which is what I use as a benchmark for if someone is funny or not. See Jim Norton.. Not saying Jimmy's stand up is bad, but he's FAR funnier on the radio and riffing than he is on stage.

I remember a special that primarily consistent of him telling party stories and what it's like to do coke... Basically just a guy bragging for an hour.

I've seen him twice; back in February of this year in AC and then in 2012 at Helium and I was lucky enough to not have anyone in the audience doing that type of stuff. Some people, regardless of the situation, have to be the center of attention and have a hard time seperating the radio show from his stand up act. How did Jimmy react to it ?

Most of them he ignored, but there was one woman that he started to dig into because she was shouting things.

She didn't seem to be a super fan though, just a drunk idiot

I guess it's also worth pointing out that at one point he dove into chip mode and did a couple chip jokes, then laughed at how there was a percentage of the audience who had no fucking clue what was going on. So he is aware of his fan base and what they want to see, but that doesn't mean people need to interrupt his set so it can be about them

I've seen him a few times over the years. Never really cared for his specials but he was pretty funny live and he does some crowd work which is usually fun to watch. Saw him slam a heckler once which caused her to leave. That was the funniest thing of the night. Also, you can always tell what he's been working on on the show because you'll hear small parts that he brought up before on the show, but they're more fleshed out when he performs. I'll still see him every time he comes near me but I won't travel for him.

I've seen him 4 times. you hit the nail on the head with the annoying fans. first show i went to i remember a couple guys kept yelling "monster rain" the whole show. the last show a drunk guy kept laughing way too loud and at the wrong times, it was visibly throwing Jim off his tempo.

only positive was the venue released the tickets at the wrong time and i ended up snagging the 2 front center seats. great show too.

I saw him in Utah. Everyone was very polite.

Twice. Left unimpressed both times. He flows much more naturally on radio when he can work off of other people. His material on stage is just kind of lacking. Its easy to see why he never advanced to that next level in stand up. Just a club guy. With the terrible OnA fans that attend his shows, its easy to see why normal folk wouldnt go back to see him again. Constant yelling throughout the shows.

I've seen him all kinds of times, but I've never seen him headline for this exact reason. He's good when you catch him randomly at the Cellar, or when he pops up on one of the comedy nights in New York that are more for comedians/comedy nerds than casual comedy fans. He's not like an elite, god level comic or anything (where I would put someone like Dave Attell, Louis, Brian Regan) but he's always funny and working on new, topical stuff.

I saw him and Attel in Vegas, was a great fucking show. The crowd was having a good time and they really got into it and were trying out a lot of their dirtier stuff

Everyone everywhere needs to see Attell. He's never going to have the celebrity status of Louis or whoever, and isn't the greatest guest on a late night show (though he is good) but on stage in a club doing standup he is absolutely peerless.

I saw his full show a couple years ago, and the Virus shows. It's a lot of retread material if you listen to the radio show, but I still have always enjoyed it. Even knowing what a hypocritical worm he is.

And last time, it was nothing but Uncle Paul requests. The fans are fucking retards.

I wouldn't watch his standup for free. Great on radio though.

I did in slc, was considering saying hello but i didn't feel like buying anything and one look at that goon Kenny kept me away.

I saw him, Attell, Amy and Artie when they toured together. Artie was the strongest, but Jim was a close second. I'd see him again in a second.

I saw him do a short set at the Comedy Cellar once, and he was great. Miles above his actual produced specials. He was a lot more like radio Jimmy than bug-eyed TV Jimmy.

I saw Jimmy twice and both were this year. First time in Tampa in April. No one seemed to be aware of O&A. Then again in West Palm Beach in July. They were his first shows after Anthonys firing and before Opie & Jim came back on Sirius. I traveled 4 hours just cause I wanted to hear him say what was going on. When he brought up the show only me and 3 other people cheered that we listened in a room of a few hundred. Then when he was talking about Ants firing, everyone seemed confused. I was quite sad.

I'm almost glad to hear it wasn't just two random morons at the conveniently local venue where I saw him ...

There was even some dude in the front row who kept texting and Jimmy turned it into a sweet bit instead of just tossing him out ...

Anyway, I thought Jimmy's live show was awesome in a way that his TV specials don't do him justice ...

He's definitely worth seeing in person ...

I've seen him 3 times as a headliner (dozens of times as a feature or dropping in to do a quick set). Every single time that I have seen him headline, the show has been ruined by attention whores trying to be part of the show. The worst was a Saturday night, late show. The drunker the fans were, the louder they were. It was like a room full of bachelorette parties.

Imagined that's how his shows would be, so I passed on going to his last show in my area.

That's how I thought it would be when I saw him in DC. Only once did a few boobs yell out "Club Soda!" but that was when Kenny went right up to the stage to bring the sweet boy a cup of tea.

I can get just as drunk at home and heckle the TV without being thrown out so no.

I saw him the last time he filmed his special. I don't remember anyone acting up, but boy if there was a wrong to test lil' jimmy it would be during the filming of his special. I actually would have really enjoyed that if it had happened.

They're probably Opie fans more than Jimmy fans.

I've seen him in at Cobb's in San Francisco and at the Improv on Melrose in Los Angeles. He was great both times and the crowds were good.


I saw him live at the DC Improv maybe 3 years ago. He destroyed. It was when he was working on the special with the Penn St material and it was two weeks before he filmed it so he had it perfected by then. Packed house and he killed.

I have, it's great of course. But then again, I don't hate him on the show either so maybe i'm not the target audience for your question in this subreddit.

I strongly appreciate that he doesn't go into the radio-characters(even when it's appropriate) and that he sticks to his stuff.

I went to his show last night and there was this woman who was yelling out, drunk, but it wasn't heckling really, jim kind of went to the audience with a question and she answered, it was about firefighters and her description of them was that they save basements and kittens and make chili. Jim played it off well and said she described them like a retarded child. Show was good though, I enjoyed it.

I never go to comedy shows, but I have heard so many stories about bombing, openers, ticket sales, hecklers, headliners, and ass-hole club owners, I think I could lie and convince strangers I'm a comedian - maybe at the golf course.



nope, i've seen Carlin, Steven Wright, Hedberg, Gilbert Gottfried, Lewis Black, he's not even in the same stratosphere.

Really? He's done remarkably well for himself here and in England as well. But what the fuck do Americans know about comedy, right?

I remember a special that primarily consistent of him telling party stories and what it's like to do coke... Basically just a guy bragging for an hour.