Lil Jimmy & The Police Mystery

8  2014-12-31 by LyleChipperson1

I can;t find the link, but remember when Jimmy was ranting about the police? He was being vague as fuck ranting about it, like REALLY angry, then when people asked he was like "Oh I don't want to talk about it".

This pissed me off so much, did it ever come out why he was angry with the police? I think he went into the station for something? Did it ever come out WHY he was mad?



I think it was something about receiving criminally bad service.

"received bad service"-Jimmy is the 4th-worst Jimmy.

I'm sure his blinky, rat-like appearance and cunty 13-year-old girl demeanor has nothing whatsoever to do with inspiring bad service.

But he had to wait 30 minutes for his flight. You just don't understand how that's unacceptable to a sweet boy.

a sweet baby boy

I'm guessing you mean this clip..

You fucking star! Jimmy is sooo irritating in this. Thanks for getting it Doc

Look, he's still upset about the stolen-bus incident. Calm down. He's just a sweet boy. You're making my tummy hurt.

Someone stole Chippah's lambo which was full of supermodels and some sweet ninja stars but "duh pigz" wouldn't help him. Jimmy explained it to them in character.

Lambo?? tsss why not a sheepo... fuckin chippy d bringin the funny

DVV DVVV whre'd all mah dollaz go? DVVV DVV

They caught him with a tranny hooker

It has never been explained. Jimmy has said that he wasn't looking for a "favor" from the cops and that it was something that they should do as police. My guess is that a hooker stole from him and he wants him/her tracked down.

That's probably what it is actually! The shit he does blows my introverted mind

A whore ripped him off or his cleaning lady stole something or a cabbie gave him the wrong change. What else could it be? Sheltered Jimmy isn't out in the world meeting people and doing stuff.

So he doesn't know that getting the NYPD to investigate a property crime is fucking impossible unless you're the kind of person they do "favors" for. And getting them to shake down a hooker on your behalf is definitely a "favor."

If they even took a report, he got celebrity treatment.


Honestly the wormy little cunt probably wanted an intern prosecuted for not bringing him the proper breakfast.

I think it had something to do with a stalker

Is that just a guess or you seen something about that? I want to know why the fuck he was all vague about it.

I remember listening to this with absolute disgust. I actually brought this up in another thread recently. The way he acted towards the callers that were flat out saying he was acting like a baby and it was ruining the radio show was absolutely pathetic. You're a fucking professional, Jim, you don't come into work as a radio host and act like a fucking spoiled little bitch. You either check it at the door or talk about it without being a vague little whiny cunt.

That's how that creep always reacts to people that are of a different opinion and probably right. The way he talks over people & wants their audio turned down or the call hung up has always disgusted me. The way he 'beats' calls is often to just confuse them due to his psycho unwarranted attack. This caller is one of the few that Jimmy couldn't bully into submission.

What a piece of shit.

Exactly. Jimmy's true colours show when he's threatened or provoked like this. I love Jim I think he's so quick witted but his stand up is "meh", things like this phone call really piss me off with him. Then I see his cute little face, how could you be angry about that??

He fucking told everyone on air about Monster Rain and all his other late night shenanigans.. but this is private?? Jesus Christ Jim

Is the timing right for Ant's stalker girl before she wormed her way into the compound? She was stalking Jimmy long before Ant played all of her voicemails on the air.
