Brigaded by third world click farms?

5  2014-12-31 by [deleted]

It seems like any posts to this sub which mention a certain raqio host's YouTube marketing company's name (hint: think of AIDS going down a drain) get downvoted to oblivion.



Could be what the person is saying about viral spiral/opie is stupid and pointless and is being downvoted. This is rare, because opie is a faggot but it is possible.

Or just that no one wants to support viral spiral/opie. I'm not gonna help support that fuckface getting views.

Opie: no, I don't need troubleshooting this time...editing is going well... Marcos, what does your company know about message boards and sabotaging them? I'll double your fee.

gookie chinkie, yummy america dollars

let's give this a go viral spiral opie radio not good

let's see....viral spiral

I'll throw you an up because they gave me 5 downs for saying viral spiral. Oops, did it again. Man I'm never going to amount to anything in life without my reddit points. I think Viral Spiral is probably just pissed at being associated with a total anti-viral like Opie. Whatever the case, I couldn't care less about their down votes or their inability to make a complete cunt go viral.

Well im chilean last week the viral spiral people came to our shanty town on one of those fancy mechanical donkeys with wheels, and they started talking to our chief.

They exchanged 4 bags of rice, a goat, and small box full of something called slim jims for our services.

Now we have a magical "meme" machine on the town and we take turns watching horrible videos like the ones opie posts or the chief starts beheading people.

The tribe is happy with viral spiral they are cool, even if they are the white devil

Only one box of slim jims for your whole village? You have been ripped off, my Chilean friend.

Why did you have to hop on to his hilarious story with your shitty tag?

Why did you have to faggot up this entire thread with your pointless comment?

Because you're an unfunny fool and you deserve to know it.

(hint: think of AIDS going down a drain)

...the show?

Viral Spiral? Oh shit I did it now.
