TACS with Stuttering John and Jokeman.

4  2014-12-30 by snoopkhat

If you haven't seen the episode it was pretty good,both guys are bitter about leaving the Stern show and both are still delusional about their importance in the entertainment biz .Some good stories about Stern etc.


I thought it was one of the best episodes of TACS so far just considering they all have such a long history in radio. It was real interesting to hear their side to their stories and whatnot. Also, for the first time in months, there was no racial discussion that day so maybe that's why I enjoyed it so much.

Is race really discussed almost daily?

I don't watch but from all the comments and critiques I see about it I would safely put money on it being a very main part of the show.

Yep. He wasn't too heavy with it at first, but after all the Ferguson and Eric Garner stuff that's been going on, it's daily and it eats up most of the show. The show from December 22 was literally 2 hours of nonstop race talk with a 10 minute break to read viewer mail.

i can't listen to that shit, sometimes its funny, sometimes. everyday talk about it gets old. isn't his show only 2 hours long? how much time does he spend on this shit?

It's getting very old. He tried to justify it when a caller told him he was focusing way too much on race by saying that he's just staying topical because it's in the news. But that's bullshit and he knows it and we know it. And yeah, the show is only 2 hours so it's literally the entire show sometimes focused on this one issue. He's so obsessed and consumed by his paranoia of black people that it would almost be funny if it weren't so sad.

yea there were times even with O&A when i couldn't stand listening for awhile when Ant would go on his race rants and everyone else would just not talk. that shit sucked and was uncomfortable.

It's really not bullshit, it's been all over the news

yep, but it's not "almost" it is daily.


I thought it was a great show. Stuttering John is almost exactly like Opie, but has a sense of humor and intelligence. He also speaks better.

So nothing like opie?

It was ok. I've tried to like his new show but i can't, he's just not that good on his own.

I'm listening now and it's great. I don't think any of them thought THEY were important, but that the show was. And eye Stern show DOES have a place in history:

Dying to hear this.

The Anthony Cumia Show's youtube channel posts best ofs. One of them is like 30-45 minutes of this interview.


Rad, thanks

Ugh, gag me with a speun. You're so grody.


Anthony also tweeted that something might come out of this.


Anthony's forced laugh ruined it. Jackie was so corny and Ant would just howl at everything he said. Relax a little bit.


I heard it. It was good but it would get old real quickly.

Yeah, it was kind of like the old Dean Martin roast you'd see ads for DVDs of real late at night, but for dick joke radio. It's both really cool and really sad. I loved listening to it but I could not see it being every day. Maybe Ant ant Jackie at their prime could have had something, but you can tell that Stuttering John really REALLY overrates his own importance.

I've never read a post from you that did anything but make me think you were an asshole

Was a great episode.

What's funny about this show was that it showed how much of a Stern fanboy Anthony is. After the constant bashing of Stern, granted they have reason to, he was in love with that show and the people on the show.

As for John and Jackie, even with them being bitter, they still have respect for the show and Stern.

Anthony explained it well and it actually has some logic to it. Stern absolutely destroyed every popular show when he got into a new market. So Opie and Anthony went on the offensive instead of going the silent route.

Since Stern is a baby and can't take what he dishes out, well, the rest is history.

I get the tactics they pulled and on the podcast, Stuttering John even pointed it out that Imus did the same thing to Stern back when. What I'm getting at is that there is so much reverence when he talks about the show with these two, where Anthony remembered things that they didn't, yet back in the heyday, both Opie and Anthony would dial down how big of fans they were and still are apparently. It goes into that fakeness that they proclaim that they don't do.

I can't cite any specific audio, but I recall they both admitted they were fans first at some point.

Ant never really bashed stern bad. It was mostly opie who hates stern.

Ant would definitely join in with the bashing and not leading on how big of a fan he apparently is.

Nope you're wrong.

He sure did talk about Stern's daughter's "big ffffffuckin' tits" a lot. I'd bet Stern has not forgotten that.

Meh.. Neither one really said anything new about their Stern days that already hadn't been talked about before.

Wrong subreddit.

yea there were times even with O&A when i couldn't stand listening for awhile when Ant would go on his race rants and everyone else would just not talk. that shit sucked and was uncomfortable.

Ant would definitely join in with the bashing and not leading on how big of a fan he apparently is.

It's really not bullshit, it's been all over the news

He sure did talk about Stern's daughter's "big ffffffuckin' tits" a lot. I'd bet Stern has not forgotten that.