Does anyone else think Norton is unbearable to listen to now?

53  2014-12-30 by Hyddddokkin


He's fine and fun on TACS.

Not sure about the show with Opie - gave that shit up long ago.

Oh, the fucking comedy you are missing! It is nothing but laughs and entertainment on OpieRaqio.

I stopped listening when Anthony was fired, but indeed he is a delight on TACS. If you are looking for the origin of ponderous Jimmy start listening the Nopie week of March 2012 referenced in r/classicOnA

Too bad the whore did not take a gamble with going on TACS full time, I would be willing to bet it was offered. Now, both shows are totally unlistenable.

I subscribe to TACS and i for one enjoy the new content. I don't feel like complaining about O&J. Anthony's business model seems to be centered on being better than O&J. 3 fresh shows this week


Yeah he was fine on TACS. As long as he's not acting like the smartest guy in the room he is fine. He really needs to just stick to the jokes, he isn't the intellectual he believes he is.


If it's what I think is is, it's something I noticed last year, and got pooh-poohed at here. He's adopted an almost Carlinesque persona when he's trying to be all deep and insightful and everything - but he doesnt have the massive intellect and insight of Carlin, so it comes off pompous and insulting. Haven't listened since September, don't plan on it in the future, so I can only guess how bad he's gotten.

I like Jimmy, I don't want to hate on him, but it's a bad choice, this path he's taken. Ant used to pop him like a balloon with a comment before, when he started in, now, I guess there's nobody there to do that.

I bailed on the show right before Anthony disappeared, and probably the main reason was because Jim's hot new "Tard Carlin" character was such a stupid moralizing cunt.

Anthony goes way out on a rant-limb with subjects he doesn't exactly have a PhD-level grasp on, but at least he finds jokes when he's out there. When Jim gets pontificating about shit he doesn't know shit about—i.e., every fucking subject except hookers—he sounds like he stops blinking. Audio this.



I always thought he was just too much. At first, I appreciated the honesty but a recent example was when the guests were discussing Canada and he felt he had to interject getting blown in an alley in some Canadian city. It didn’t add anything to the convo and went off on another tangent we’ve all heard a million times about Jimmy spending his last $100 or stipend money or last dime in his pocket on hookers. And then we have to hear about how he’s nice, respects them, pays up front…yada, yada. It just gets old, especially when the guests are obviously uncomfortable and not calling him out for his comfortable freakishness like Ant used to.

Intellectual Jimmy to me is the result of someone telling him he has a great point of view. He does, only when in contrast to Opie and Anthony. He plays the devil’s advocate, the fencesitter. In response to stupid media, I don’t think anyone could disagree. The media is crap but it was the difference of opinion of non-pundits in current events that was interesting. His opinion alone not only changes but it’s like a 20 year old trying to find a stance.

With that said, his stand-up is painfully awful. He’s lucky to fall ass backwards into this type of deal.

You pretty much nailed it, especially the stand up thing. It's fucking awful.

Well, look at his friends, Colin, Louie, they're both now being revered as intellectual and insightful and witty - Jimmy considers them peers, so hey, he must be, too, right?

And like I posted above, who were his heroes? Carlin and Pryor. How long until Jimmy does a junky persona as part of his act?

Jimmy is the shape of whatever container you pour him into. He's trying to pour himself into a container he'll never fit in. He's trying for reverence and respect as a social commentator, but all he'll really be known for is blowing trannies and not knowing what to do with his hands.

I really don't understand how anyone finds his stand up funny at all. he can be pretty funny on the spot and thinks fast on his feet but since Anthonys departure he's been nothing but a self loathing, immature moron. i just really don't understand how many people call in and big him to come to their city. the last thing he needs his people encouraging him.

his dr steve impression still makes me smile though.

You know what really got it going? Those Time magazine op-eds, every time he got any praise for them I'd bet he internally celebrated "FINALLY, ORATOR JIMMY HAS ARRIVED"

can't really blame jim himself…it truly is opie that makes it impossible for him to bounce off of…not only is opie talentless, he ruins talent around him. Some would say you could almost call him……………………………………. a, destroyer!

That's the bit

he's the opposite of king midas

Nah you can't blame opie for everything. His advice show is awful it's the same regurgitated line over and over again about getting help from AA or some other support group that's similar.

The Jim Norton Show on vice was also bad.

i guess i can see your point, he's no fallon, but he's jim, the depraved worm we all love

I watched his Vice show and I just felt bad. The Uncle Paul dating site ad wasn't even funny to the LISTENERS, I can't even imagine how weird and dumb it looked to someone who wasn't familiar with the show.

Jim's element is radio, unfortunately he's now in raqio which has no fulltime funny people and a mother and daughter team in Opie and Prime Time Sam Roberts who are willing to do anything to get famous, despite already being way more famous than they have any fucking right to be.

Yep. And he was my favorite of all of them. He's a pompous ass these days. After the pseudo-intellectual holier-than-thou dead-horse-a-thon regarding Sony I finally stopped listening.

The show didn't pass me by, nor did it pass a lot of folks here by. It just simply turned into a pile of shit hosted two pieces of shit.

Ron and Fez now for me. Not a huge fan so far, but maybe I'll be "All-in" one of these days.

I couldn't bring myself to listen to the Sony segment, what was the douchiness of the point he was making?

That Sony was correct to cancel the movie and that it would never get released. 300 theaters and a VOD release later and Jim never apologized for being not only wrong, but aggressively and arrogantly wrong about The Interview situation.


Jimmy always takes that side though. It's always so odd to hear. He rather be without freedom than live with the chance that someone might kill him. I never understood it, he likes the TSA, had no problem with NSA spying and I'm not surprised he supports sony.

I haven't listened since August, but I still love when he's on Anthony's show.

Everything I've read here says that funny Jimmy is dead and pontificating Jimmy is there full time now.

I still can't believe heterosexual men seek relationship and sex advice from him.

Totally not racist and I agree

If they're asking sex advice from Jim, deep down they aren't heterosexual.

stupid trucker: how do I get my wife to finger my asshole?

The extent of Jim's knowledge goes as far as the words "lick" and "lube" and not a term farther.

Yes, im glad im not the only one. I took a 2 week break then tried to listen yesterday on my way home and when i turned it on pontificating jimmy was on and i couldnt change the station fast enough. He fuckin stinks. Im done with them. Fuck em

TACS Jim is fantastic.


He's a worm doing an impression of an intelligent person whenever guests come in.

"AAAah, AAAah" - SHUT UP Jim!

[Alan Alda voice] "YESSS! YES!"

fuck jim, hes awful now

Is he still on the Oqie show? I saw he dropped it from his bio.

He's not a good actor and his standup is very one dimensional. He is by no means stupid, but his insecurity causes him to fall back on false bravado whenever any of his beliefs are challenged. When he's on the same show with Anthony at least he has a wider range of topics to riff on.

I don't listen anymore. I wouldn't know. Ron and fez had fantastic holiday material.

Opie turned the show into a "media destination," a euphemism for The View or a talk show on FOX News ala Red Eye.

Opie and Jim have a Jew/Palestinian level of anti chemistry and Opie doesn't set Jim up, laugh at his lines or take talks in funny directions. Opie even yells at Jim when they are trying to "be real" or "serious" or "have a moment."

Right as Jimmy became comfortable as an Intellectual Insightful Comic (only partly Opie's fault, look at Jim's recent specials and Vice show) the radio show has no comedic chemistry with him and he is encouraged, or even required, to be an arrogant, ill informed jerkoff.

I'm glad someone agrees, i posted that Opie was trying to be a destination a while ago. It's so blatant, and so full of fail. Neither one bring anything to the table. And that's why they want a sports producer, there's going to be a sports segment in the next year, watch. An official, scheduled sports segment, so his crew in Philly can have something to listen to.

You guys are really still?

Hold on....hold on....hold on....HOLD ON


I'll take joke-cracking, constantly riffing, slightly over-the-top Jimmy over whatever he's trying to be on O&J. It's a fucking pain to sit through any of Jim's "we've become a nation of (insert topical generalization here)" rants. We get it, you skim through the news and try to sound opinionated to fill some time on air. It's what all the zoo-crews do. At this point, what more can we expect out of this bloated, neutered shell of a show that was once O&A?

If Jim took control of 'opie radio' then maybe it would be a good show. Also, put 'serious jimmy' to rest, forever.

His lifestyle has infected him with dullard-AIDS.

He tries to make up for his lack of knowledge (and relationships that don't involve direct cash transactions) with a smarmy, condescending, matter-of-fact tone, but he's not fooling anybody this side of minestrone tits.

He needs to lay off the hookers and the porn and pick up a book, get into a relationship, travel without it involving stand-up, and get out of the creepy funk he finds himself in.

You can actually hear it rotting his brain.

Obviously yes as evidenced by the 20 of versions of this thread this week.

You should've heard him during Jocktober 2009. It was after they got kicked off of KROCK because they wanted to play corny pop music. Understandable, but Jim Norton was a fucking drag, getting all pissy. He sounds so jealous of terrestrial radio at times, talking about it so much. And then they were badmouthing the company back then. He gets on these "I'm right, fuck everyone else" like Opie does, and it's just painful.

But like TheMonkfish says, it's all fine and dandy when he's with Ant.


He is to serious and opie adds nothing to the show now it should be sam and jim

I'll bet Colin Quinn is reading all this laughing his ass off.

Lol right on schedule. You fucking losers turned on the show long before Anthony was fired. Once he left, you turned up the hate on Opie. Now it's Jimmy's turn. Stop fucking listening. Go listen to Stern talk about how great he is for 3 hours. Now let's hear all of your excuses for still coming on a sub-reddit for a show you hate and supposedly don't listen to.

Whereas these threads are wholesome reading.

Whereas your comment is pointless cuntifying.

Wholesome? Did you really just type that?

Do you understand what wholesome means?

Do you understand sarcasm?


If it's what I think is is, it's something I noticed last year, and got pooh-poohed at here. He's adopted an almost Carlinesque persona when he's trying to be all deep and insightful and everything - but he doesnt have the massive intellect and insight of Carlin, so it comes off pompous and insulting. Haven't listened since September, don't plan on it in the future, so I can only guess how bad he's gotten.

I like Jimmy, I don't want to hate on him, but it's a bad choice, this path he's taken. Ant used to pop him like a balloon with a comment before, when he started in, now, I guess there's nobody there to do that.

I stopped listening when Anthony was fired, but indeed he is a delight on TACS. If you are looking for the origin of ponderous Jimmy start listening the Nopie week of March 2012 referenced in r/classicOnA

Oh, the fucking comedy you are missing! It is nothing but laughs and entertainment on OpieRaqio.


Yeah he was fine on TACS. As long as he's not acting like the smartest guy in the room he is fine. He really needs to just stick to the jokes, he isn't the intellectual he believes he is.