Series of Questions: Do you think Opie's wife despises him, and if so, what do you think she squawks to her friends about our golden fat tits. Second, if Opie died and ascended to the gates of Heaven, what would god say to Opie?

0  2014-12-29 by RIPAnthony23

Third, if a clinical psychiatrist listened to every second of every O&A broadcast ever, what would he diagnose Ant and Jim and hack tits?


"Homeless Andrew sends his regards" as God boots Opie to hell.

Called himself "The Destroyer". How's that for pomposity.

Go home and get your fuckin shinebox.

I don't think she despises him. Opie lets he fuck dudes right and left and doesn't do anything about it.

She gets to cheat on him and keep his money. Win Win for her.

Still a rough trade, knowing the father of your children is a halfwit.

And even if he's not their dad, she still has to spend all that time with him, answering his questions about the contents of saltwater and the like.

She hates him. Calls him an untalented, borderline clinically retarded 55 year frat boy who has never sexually satisfied her. She sounds like this subreddit!

God says...HOLD ON HOLD ON HOLD ON! And then hangs up on him. He is a bullshit Christian who has publically mocked every salient aspect of theism and Christian theology.

Opie: A slow witted, jam titted Narcissist. Ant: Most of the conduct disorder ones, but overall, Antisocial Personality Disorder. Jim: Bipolar with sex compulsions acted upon in manic phases, frequent major depressive episodes.

Beercanthick I would like to see your bank account in comparison to Opies. My guess is that witless, untalented, retarded 55 year old is still more successful than you.

Opie: penthouse apartment. Hot wife. Family. Plenty of money. Awesome job.

Beercanthick: Apartment. Crappy job. No wife. No kids. No family that still cares about him. No money.

Don't know if it's true but if you can make baseless claims about other people then so can I.

Opie pls..

Don't know if it's true but if you can make baseless claims about other people then so can I.

Two wrongs don't make a right TP, all you seem capable of are baseless claims with your inability to craft a proper argument.

More Money Equals Better Than Thinking. Having wealth has no positive bearing on comedy. It insulates people from reality and limitsnegative experiences that can be inspiration and fodder for comedy. Howard Stern is close to being a literal BILLIONAIRE and his show has been ass for 7 years. The more materially weathy he got, the more comedically impoverished he became.

Huh? What does this have to do with anything? My point is that 55 year old boarder line retard you hate so much is actually quite successful, and over his life he's accumulated a lot of great things financially and in his personal life. Guys got a great place to live, with what seems like a good wife, and two kids. Meanwhile you're an anonymous hater that sits behind a keyboard with the username beercanthick. You're being out done in life by what you call a retard. So what's that say about you?

You're a nobody comparatively. Insult his comedy. Who fucking cares. He's heading towards retirement anyway, and made far more off comedy than your hacky ass ever will. Now have fun at your menial, who gives a fuck job today.

The point was to have three comedic or insightful or both answers to the questions. That does not obligate me to get in a,pissing contest over our LIVELIHOODS.

Peter Jackson has more gold than King Midas but you know something? That last hobbit movie fucking SUCKED.

This guy's a rape victim and his mother died slowly of cunt cancer.

if i know god he will suck Op's cock