I hope you are fucking dead TP.

0  2014-12-29 by GameVault

I am 100% serious. I hope termitepaint is fucking dead. What a miserable piece of shit that asshole was. If it was all an act then I hope he was raped and then killed. Fuck him.


Opie also deserves to be raped and then killed

I hate him more than Opie.

Hey we can't all have the same opinions.

But I'm sure we can agree that they both deserve death

Nope just TP. Opie is bad but not TP bad.

But while people are dying....it wouldn't be a bad thing if Opie joined him.

Are you drinking?

You may be TP in disguise for all we know.


Eh, I really don't care that much.

So do his children I think

i'd like to see one of his kids dead in a road accident,so i could phone in with a car crash sound.

Then play a laugh track.

at the funeral, Opie would make the point that his show did that sound effect first.


Basically anybody that is within Opie's bloodline

Don't hold back, tell us how you really feel

Why would his rapist/murderer bother with deleting his reddit account? Seems like overkill.

Did he have a heart attack ?

Thank you for your service.

GameVault? Why don't you open up your vault and let us play some games and have some fun or sumpin

An amazing guy. I don't get the hate whatsoever. Probably the best poster Reddit has seen in years. I was sad to see him go. Fortunately it looks like he's going to live a long life. Good for him!


Who the fuck is TP and why should I give enough of a fuck to hate him?

You sound like the miserable piece of shit.