A farewell to Thermitepaint.

12  2014-12-28 by E-rockComment

This doesn't have anything to do with the show, so feel free to downvote at your discretion. But anyone who has been visiting this sub on a consistent basis for the past year or so has inevitably run into "Thermitepaint" at some point in time, and his belligerent interjections. He was a whirling dervish of invalid reasoning and inflammatory remarks, consistently escalating cordial discussions into petty internet arguments where he would inevitably call everyone a "faggot" and commit a slew of grammatical errors. After leaving a string of obscene responses to several of my comments approximately 13 hours ago it seems his account has been deleted. I have no doubt he will resurface again under a different moniker, but "Thermitepaint" is gone for the time being. I thought this could be an apropos time to look back on TP and his exploits on this subreddit. I never had a problem with TP on a personal level, I more took issue with how he conducted himself on this sub and how he seemed to go out of his way to agitate everyone else. He could be mildly amusing at times, and became somewhat of a corner stone on this subreddit, but for all of the wrong reasons. So this is to you TP, may you always be steeped in folly.

Edit: The unceremonious return


I clicked expecting a IRL death so I could express my fake condolences. Instead I was greeted by a wall of text with no chiproll at the end.

TP's resilient and he does have multiple accounts, I still like to hold out hope that "thermitepaint" was a schtick and he'll return to the sub as a reformed non-combative individual. He had a good zinger from time to time.

I really liked his name because as I've said when you see it you can expect a broad stroke of thermite paint across the conversation and ignition.


I will remember you lada-da-da-da-duhda Will you remember me? Don't let your heart burn through an entire car engine and into the grooooound

I'd be sad if he died. Not what I want for him. It's fun to have a guy around who securely takes a beating.

This sub has sadly lost its own version of Bobo.

I bet he has another account, as he was all in on the skateboarding sub.

I bet Bam TP got sick of us making cuck jokes.

Nah, I don't think TP was Bam, or at least find it extremely unlikely. If anything it could have been Troy, he was way too into skating in his 40s as I recall.

I have to say I'm with TP on that one, the Opie/Bam/Cuck jokes can get a bit excessive at times I feel. But then again I've never been a fan of vulgah yumor.

Now he's only down to 15 sock puppet accounts.

Even money odds that both of the postings that noticed he was gone were from his own sock puppet accounts.

He's definitely downs.

The funny thing about him is how would say over and over again.. why do you obess over a show you hate, and hang around a forum just to post negative comments.. and he was basically doing the exact same thing. Maybe he finally realized the show is absolute shit and committed Reddit Hari Kari. I guess the Reddit O&A board finally passed him by.

This is part of the reason why I always found him somewhat intriguing as well. I could never decide definitively if he was simply a dullard or a master troll offering commentary through the means of satire and parody. He was getting much more "upitty" as of late though, so I'm still not sure what to make of him.

My favorite thing about all this, was when all this first started, he swore up and down that it was the same 4 or 5 people who thought the show sucked and had "HAD IT" with Opie. When I told him I had seen similar opinions expressed on other sites.. he called me a liar. I even suggested if he was so upset by the "lack of content" not being on the sub, that he should stop his bitching and create some.

He checked with the President of Reddit- all of the negative posts were from 2 people.

The funny thing is those people can never explain why they listen or pay attention to a show they hate. Most people would just babble on about how the show has been apart of their lives for "x" amount of years but rarely did anyone ever give decent reasons. Again most people move on after awhile.

Thermitepaint was one of the brightest people this sub ever saw and his extensive knowledge of radio was incredible. He really gets what Opie is trying to do and we all know Opie is well before his time. Anthony however not so much.

The funny thing is those people can never explain why they listen or pay attention to a show they hate.

You remember jocktober? There i just explained it to you. Although this has already been explained ad fucking nauseum to you and every other opie apologist and yet sure as fuck you'll be back in a few days making the same post.

Yeah I remember Jocktober you dummy. It lasts one month a year, and with a few exceptions for people like Scorch different shows are highlighted each day. So I fail to see the comparison. It still does not explain why you come here everyday and obsess over Opie. I know why I'm here. I still don't know why you are. People act like I should leave but I don't hate this sub like you hate Opie. Clear differences. I'm also not dumb like some people. I didn't listen to the show for 10 years, and then yesterday realize I hate Opie. Then make a thread about it. Ouch!

You don't know why he is here because you can't even comprehend a simple post. That's the problem TP had as well, the reading comprehension of a raddish. Hmmmm....

What he is trying to say is people continue to listen for the same reason Joctober was such a huge hit. Nobody drives by a wreck without wanting to look.

I love how you apologist either can't understand what other people are saying or just twist what is said to fit your narative. Whatever the reason it always makes you look like a dope. Well talk to you later TP.

This is TP GameVault hence the lack of comprehension and or reasoning.

The irony is you don't realize how dopey some of you look complaining about a stupid radio show day, after day. You're still trying to reflect yourself on me when again I don't hate this place the same way you hate Opie. Completely different circumstances.

Hi, TP. :)

Welcome back TP.

I never liked how thermitepaint would bash Anthony for being a "racist pedo" yet his username is an Anthony line. If he loves Opie so much, why didn't he make a username based on any of Opie's memorable comedic gems?

Thermitepaint was one of the only people around here who had any clue what he was talking about. Everyone else on here is so blinded by their love of Ant because he's provided them with a lot of laughs over the years that they can't see that he really is just an old, racist pedo now. Opie may not have provided as many laughs but at least he's still a normal, likeable guy.

"likeable guy." This is simply not true.

my archenemy will be missed......NOT!!!



Are you thinking what I'm thinking? This definitely sounds like a false flag operation.

Thermitepaint was a Manchurian Candidate. Somebody here must have said the trigger word that activated him. I wouldn't be surprised if he took down the AsiaAirs flight that is currently missing. May God forgive us all.

Has anybody checked Mexico?

I'm confuddled

He changed his name to resemble mine in an attempt to get under my skin.

oh em gee what a poopyface

I would never use such harsh language to describe TP. We just banter is all. It's all goodnaturedly.

Hey you're right, I'm sorry for my outburst folks.

No worries Fruunkis, I'll keep this under wraps.

I really don't think he was a troll, that's a horrible failure of a troll if you consider the effort to agitation ratio. He spent so much time writing so many long posts over such a long period, when at least 90% of what he wrote was not interesting or even read by anyone. TP was accidentally hilarious from time to time, so it is sort of mildy sad to see the account deleted.

TP was accidentally hilarious from time to time

Indeed. I'll miss seeing him post rambling, manifesto-like responses to Chiprolls.

I rarely got to read his drivel, his comments were always buried under downvotes.

So do we all go back to hating DugoutDug now?

Yer kiddin?! How did it happen??

It was his shtick. It was him just riling people up.

He is amongst us because he definitely has an account to bash Opie.

Good riddance. What a sad human being he was.

it was one of the most negative cunts around here,there are a few others that need to fuckoff as well.


Fuck. FUUUUUCCCCCKKK....I thought he might have died, it got my hopes up.

I still suggest that /u/ThermitePaint was possibly Troy "Troyquan" Hinson.

At one point over the summer I checked out his lengthy post history and based on the comments he made long before he popped up here led me to conclude that if it was a staff member it was Troy.

The only reason I have doubt that it was Troy is that he never responded to my informed suggestions that Troy is back on the meth and really needs to get into rehab.

What lead you to believe it was Troy?

Posts about skateboarding long before he showed up here, a certain smugness in his posts, some of his earlier posts were conspiracy related (if I recall correctly), an undying defense of Opie on everything (indebted vibe) and I noticed that when he responded to me directly it was always really early in the morning - about the time someone would be on the subway or bus en route to a really early gig like a morning radio show.

But, like I wrote earlier, there were odd things that cause me to doubt it's Troy (but nothing that would eliminate him).


I will, remember you... Will you, remember me?

what did he say to you/what did you say to him that made him do such a thing?

I don't think it was anything I said specifically, I've always been pretty cordial to TP. We had an exchange on this thread the other day. About 12 hours after he posted his last reply to me on there I received about seven notifications from [deleted] user calling me a faggot and telling me my mother should of had me aborted. This struck me as typical TP behavior, and sure enough after I cross checked the posts "thermitepaint was indeed the deleted user.

So that's how I discovered TP was no more, I doubt he deleted his account because of our "debate". He got a lot of shit on the thread from everyone so I'm guessing it was probably a cumulative thing after many months of "fighting the good fight". I also noticed he has been much more argumentative the past month, perhaps he was just ready to leave this sub in a blaze of glory.

wow, he totally just went full retard there, even for him. I can see why hes starting on a new account.

I expect a baby account in the coming weeks to start talking just like that weirdo.

That's funny. I have him at +6 on RES.

6 separate accounts? That's quite the reddit resume`.

Good riddance. The Guy wrote psychobabble.



I would never use such harsh language to describe TP. We just banter is all. It's all goodnaturedly.

I'm confuddled