I bought the Intelius report on Gregg Hughes much to the chagrin of many. Should I NOT share the info publicly here?

9  2014-12-24 by serraphim



sure what the fuck why not

The answer I would give is that we are now encouraging the doxxing of Gregg "Opie" Hughes and this might be against the Reddit terms and this whole sub could be shut down.

He's probably lying about being part-owner of FH Riley's in the heart of Huntington Beach.

If you were going to do it, you already would have. I call shenadigans

Hate the guy's ineptness at radio all you want, but don't be a psycho autist and post his personal info.

Hmm, I'm torn. Though, he does live in a guarded ivory tower, what's the worst that can happen?

I can't imagine it'll have anything interesting that we don't already know.

You'd be surprised.

Go for it. Does it have his bust size in the report?

Well stop teasing and let it out ya piece a' gawbage.

do it OP, don't be a faggot

is there a nigger bot?

soon, my darling

yes, post it. you know for a FACT he would do this to someone else. give him a little Christmas karma.

how much was it supposedly?


This is fucking pathetic, even for this sack of shit, gutter sub.

why ask? just do it wimp.

Just do it. I don't think I'm getting a christmas present this year so this will suffice.

My guess is that he is the actual owner of the show and Anthony was just an equally paid partner. Greggshells and his manager own all the content and trademarks. This may explain why they got rid of Ant so quick and why Opie has yet to show his smug lying face at the compound post firing.

Only share if you're comfortable with being a piece of shit.

Seriously, as awful as Opie is, there is nothing righteous about posting his personal info like that. Don't be disgusting.

Yeah is Intelius the company that just does background checks? At first I thought this was referring to the chart where he bought Twitter followers. If this is just his private info, that's where this sub crosses the Creepiness Line.

It IS the background check service, and it WOULD be creepy. Actually, it's kinda creepy already.

Posting private info is against reddit rules, so you should put it on pastebin and share the link

You spent 40 dollary doos on it. What else is it good for if you don't post it?

Hurry the hell up and post it before tomorrow. Youre practically a throwaway account already.

Mark David Chapman would be proud of this thread.

Do it. Give a Christmas present to this sub! Making fun of Opie is pretty much all we have left.

Quite the polarizing issue we have here.

whatcha a fuckin polar bear or suntin?

do it. it'll make the first show back a little more interesting.

I'd read it.

PLEASE post it. I'd love for this cesspool of a subreddit to be banned once and for all. Fucking losers.

Yeah is Intelius the company that just does background checks? At first I thought this was referring to the chart where he bought Twitter followers. If this is just his private info, that's where this sub crosses the Creepiness Line.