The I hope something bad happens to Opie shit is hack

0  2014-12-24 by tellemMC

I love this subreddit and find the bashing to be hilarious but you fucking unoriginal morons that just post I hope a train, cancer, fall down the stairs, shit happens to Opie are just not creative and should get back to mopping floors.


Yeah tell us how you really feel!

this could possibly be the most cliche response in the history of cliche responses. get back to work fry cook.

Stop making occupational insults.

quiet you mouth based porta potty drainer.


Haha, you piece of shit. Do you know why real comics don't go around saying things are "hack" to mean bad like you and Opie do all the goddamn time? Because they're not little faggots who like to adopt words and feel cool. Here's another cliche: Kill yourself.

hack hack hack hack hack hack hack hack hack hack hack hack hack hack .

btw its hack to hack a hack you hack

Yea because it's not like the same show makes jokes about getting cancer or getting hit by a train or anything....

just because something has been done on the show doesn't make it beyond approach. example THIS WHOLE FUCKING SUBREDDIT NOW. I'm saying be creative you dumb cunt.

Lol y r u so mad, it's Christmas Eve for fucks sake u miserable prick, go get your dick wet or do something more productive than hanging around here testing your caps lock button

I love this hateful hell hole we call a subreddit I just don't like when unoriginal tards keep posting the same shit. Don't worry sir I'm off to a nice christmas eve lunch with the fam then going out to a big ass white trash christmas party out in the boonies with plenty of whorish lemon drop swilling skanks.

Yeah! Buncha chicks! Gonna fuck em with my penis.

after they are good and cosby'd


I have a feel your Christmas involves a lot of angry typing, lube, and chatterbate session...

Beyond reproach*

Wait until after the holidays for your family's sake, and then please kill yourself.

that's the bit!

why dont you cry about it

complaining about the posts in this sub for a change...

You didn't like my story of hope?


I had one fucking moron call me a pie white knight for saying I like actual funny things to be said if your gonna bash someone.



true dat. merry christmas to you sir.

after they are good and cosby'd