My turn: I hope Opie's tits run out of melk and Opetta is left to suck on Lynsi's dried peach tits this holiday.

3  2014-12-24 by Dannyprecise

Please rate my joke from a 1 (Opie's funny) to 10 (Dannyprecise funny).


I bet Lysi has sex like this


I like you. You've got spunk.

On your face.


Do you think having two kids broke Lynsi's pussy?

I think having one Bam broke her wretched philly cunt. Also, she fucks Gregg, which means she's of lower stock.

It's hack. But it still made me chuckle!

Soft 8


op is a faggot

this is hack and not even funny. at least other mother fuckers on this sub come up with funny shit to say when they bash. this I hope insert x happens to opie is just unoriginal, get back to delivering pizzas at 40 you fucking cunt person

Ouch, this is was harsh. Especially on Christmas Eve. Your pizza is arriving cold tonight sir (or ma'm)! hmph

you sir are a good sport. my apologies. with a attitude like that you are most likely a CEO.