Spread the ona virus archives down?

0  2014-12-23 by Diabolicalhatersclub

Anyone know the status on this? I used this to listen to old shows becuase Opie's new show is nowhere near as good. I miss ONA!!!


http://www.spreadtheonavirus.com/ Working for me... FYI Next time you could try http://www.downforeveryoneorjustme.com/

Im talking about a certain Private section in which this page lists shows http://files.spreadtheonavirus.com/classicona/filecatalog.txt

I am looking for each days shows, like March 2009

xm went after spreadtheonavirus like 2-3 years ago for having o&a xm shows. the only full shows you will find on there are from wnew.

youll have to find a torrent for those shows youre looking for.

Private section is down, i used to have access to it up until about a week ago

holy shit, you are a fucking retard. quit talking about it in public

But the private section, dude...

According to the guy who runs it, GoDaddy didn't auto renew the domain name. It should be back soon.

thank you sweetie!