Who the fuck is "Lionel"?

5  2014-12-23 by Peter_______________

I haven't been listening to the show for at least a month now and I'm hearing about this Lionel character who people are saying he's like some prepburger skit or some shit.

Then I hear a video of him and Mike singing La Bamba and his voice...holy shit. Really reminds me of that spanish guy who they jocktobered when they parodied The Fugitive for stealing their '6'...yes.

Pictures of this "Lionel". Please.


Please post one instance of anyone saying long time radio/tv personality is "prepburger"

How the fuck am I supposed to know this guy was a long timer?

I could of thought it was a Lionel Ritchie parody just from hearing his name.

That's not what I said. I asked where people accused him off being prepburger

Had to be in one of those threads where he made his 1st appearance on O&J and people had no idea who he was at first. I remember reading it from there.

And fuck you Lionel dick riders for down-voting my comments.

Maybe you're confusing Lionel and Chuck.

No one is a "Lionel dick rider", I believe the problem is your steeped in folly posting

That's right we prefer Lionel Trainables thank you.

Who is driving the car? Bear is driving the car! How can that be!


He's a radio and TV guy that's been in New York City for years. If I remember right, he started off as a lawyer that used to call into shows on WABC, ended up with his own show there, then did a little commentary segment on one of the local morning TV shows. He's kinda like a Paul Harvey type gimmick.

if Rush and Art Bell had a baby

Lionel is pretty liberal.

Ok found a video of him, back when Anthony was still on the show.

Funny how Opie is laughing at him back then, and now he's part of the show.


2013 ME: Not a fan of Lionel. He stinks. His career is dead.

2014 ME: Come on in Lionel! In fact, come in every day if you are not busy. Meet Mike Bocchetti!

Holy fuck that's where I knew him from.

Thanks for posting.

Lionel on Alex Jones' show

ME: Lionel is one of my guys and a huge part of the show with great feedback whenever he is on, Nice try on the hate tho.

Holy fuck that's where I knew him from.

Thanks for posting.

2013 ME: Not a fan of Lionel. He stinks. His career is dead.

2014 ME: Come on in Lionel! In fact, come in every day if you are not busy. Meet Mike Bocchetti!