Jimcy, Uncle Paul, Ted, Chip, Andy Rooney...Dice, Angry Vince, Don West, Tony Danza. Opie=nothing.

14  2014-12-23 by SkippinTurtles

Fuck off Opie you talentless fuck. You gravy-trained legendary talent for 20 years. That's just your co-hosts, not to mention the brilliant comics you sat next to who went on to prolific careers. Where did your confidence come from? You cut off more great comic riffs than anyone ever. You just owned the court. Fuck you, fuck your court. Your talentless confidence...fuck I don't get it.


You forgot one guy....Aheheheeee I love the interneeeeet!

Don't forget about Spuds Buckley.


Hello Bearman!

ehehehehe I love the Internet!!!

worst. bit. ever.

He's got Twitter Guy which jim and ant were always envious of

It was really striking during the "We Are The World" thing a few years back. Ant did a few voices, Jim did Uncle Paul I think. Opie did.... the "give yourself a bell" voice.

Did "Give yourself a bell"TM ever catch on?

Bill Cosby didn't force himself as much as that phrase.

What about "face!" That one made me sicker than a model having a night cap at Cosby's house.

Face is from Ron and Fez. I know, shocking he didn't come up with something original.

You are such a mother hucker.

Opie had a character he did a few times back in the day called "Opie The Devil" and boy was it a good one. I may have to see it I can pull clips of it from the archives, I've never seen it mentioned here.

That was physically painful.

he has the hilarious "loves the internet guy", nice try with the hate tho.

I don't even know what is being said sarcastically anymore.

In all fairness to bitch tits that was never his role.

Round and Round we go

Give yourself a bell!

He shouldn't have procreated

Well technically, Bam did.

Opie has no character.


Holy shit, you people are pathetic.

So the guy doesn't do hack characters or impressions and he's immediately a hack? Hahahahahaha. You haters have lost all legitimacy.

Love's the internet guy, evil opie, opster, spuds buckley, twitter voice.

Just to name a few, looks like maybe you should be listening closer. You know. Before you write about things you don't understand.

Nice try on the hate tho.

LOL! Exactly. Nice try on the hate tho douchebags

Hey TP, is a radio host only a hack for doing hack impressions, or are there other contributing or related factors and characteristics that can be taken into account when proposing this proposition to begin with? Did you just put forward a false dilemma and impose an "either or scenario" where one does not exist? Yes, yes you did, TP.

Look at how much I care...

There's no need to get testy TP, I didn't even say I necessarily disagree with your stance, but your argument is nonsensical and a fallacy.

Wow, you've really gotten to ol' Thermy. I believe you are the only poster he will not engage. Nice work, here's hopin' you get some TIT for the holiday

I'm pretty surprised he has shut down to the degree that he has as well. When i first started engaging with him he was his typical belligerent and incoherent self, then he put me on his "pay no mind" list, and when that didn't deter my deconstructions of his ramblings he resorted to the turtling you see now. And you too man, enjoy the festivities.

Gotta love how seriously this guy takes the Internet. Ohhh... But you said.. You said..

Enjoy the festivities man. You sound like a couple of fags.

Look at how much I care...

Gotta love how seriously this guy takes the Internet. Ohhh... But you said.. You said..

Enjoy the festivities man. You sound like a couple of fags.