NYPD Shooting, Jimmy Vs Callers (12/22/2014)

2  2014-12-22 by Johnniebutters


This show is a miserable, boring, serious pile of cuntflaps. I'm so glad I don't listen anymore. Thanks for reminding me why.


is a little silly IMO

Yeah just a tad huh?

refuse to listen after the show thread warned me of Jimmy's insufferable talking points.

Is he the one who said that?!


And they are correct. If you are blaming Obama and DeBlasio for these cop's murders, then you're a fucking weirdo.

Who said "violence against police is acceptable"? You're just making shit up now. What a bizarre individual you are.


But if he's correct about that how's it incorrect to say a crazy person can be influenced by the president or mayor talking to them on tv? It's still opinionated bs

Jim just wants to have the different, unpopular opinion to show that he thinks for himself and can't be persuaded by mob mentality.

"The media affects nothing!"

"When the cameras went away, everything stopped!"

Just a boring talk show, where the hosts actually contradict themselves within the minute.

Jimmy's argument is so childish. The guy specifically mentioned Garner and Brown. He was very active on social media, which is where people just fuel these bullshit lies about both cases. And was also in the NYC protests. Then you have the media and leaders that come out and publicly disagree with the judicial process that has made a decision based on FACTS of the cases. Sorry that shit is influential. People can be negatively influenced by other people, it's just a fact of life. Isn't there a "most influential" award or some shit given out each year? It works both ways. Good influence and bad influence. Are the leaders and media solely to blame for what happened, no, that's idiotic to say. But they do bare some responsibility. Can't stand know it all Jimmy.

So you believe Video Games has the same effect?

Video games are fake and a source of entertainment, no one goes there to get information/facts about current issues.

Video games don't tell me for hours on end lies about injustice and only show opinions and evidence that promote those injustices as truths. The news media and video games are completely different, you could argue that maybe movies and games are the same but no one sits around acting like call of duty advanced warfare is an accurate portrayal of real life, how do you not see the difference??

Movies and video games are fantasy. The news purports to show reality. When they push a narrative to people that there is an injustice and they are on the wrong end of it, then yes it's inevitable that someone would lash out against that perception of reality.

Do you think propaganda has no effect?

Well then, in that case, Opie & Anthony have incited me to kill Howard Stern.

Wtf are you talking about?

You're an idiot.

Whether you think jim is a tard or whether you think jim is a tard is up to you, but can we all agree that just hearing Kenny makes anyone exhausted?

Don't protest people! Just don't do it

The correct answer is that yes, violent video games and other media can sometimes influence unstable people to commit violence.

But too bad. It's the price of living in a free society. Taxi Driver directly contributed to Reagan getting shot, but everyone loves Taxi Driver, so we (correctly) don't give a shit.

Jim hit the nail on the head again today. Bad guys want to kill the cops. If only there were some sort of stats you could look up that show deaths of employees by job... Oh wait.. There is. Store clerks get killed more on the job than police. Police aren't even in the top 10 "most dangerous jobs by death." http://www.forbes.com/fdc/welcome_mjx.shtml

That's a fucking horrible stat.

The ratio of store clerks to police is astronomical. Every fucking store you drive by on the road has a register, if not two or more. During that same drive tell me how many Police Officers you've gone by. Most likely zero.

Good thing there is a way to see death and injury numbers by normalizing it out per 100,000 employees. You know, per capita.

2013 was the safest year for police on record in the country's history. There were more than 900,000 police officers and 100 died due to on the job injury, not even necessarily murders. That includes things like training accidents and negligent discharges of the police officer's own firearms as well as vehicle injury and job related illness. Only 40 of 900,000 police officers were murdered. That is a murder rate per 100,000 that is about half of what it is for the general population.

It doesn't matter. I bet there are more police officers than deep sea fishermen in America and they die at a much higher rate too. The point is that people paint this idea that police have one of the most dangerous jobs possible and it's simply not factually true. If the police even think there is some danger afoot they pull out their gun and neutralize the threat before it effects them. You have a better chance of dying putting a roof on your house than you do responding to a call as a police officer. It's simply beat into their heads that every person they encounter is a potentially deadly threat so that is how they behave. And if you go to the BLS site where it is broken down by percentage and manner of death Police under a 1 in relative risk rate making it the safest job on the list. (That is less than a salesman and with lower homicide numbers).

Delivery drivers, like pizza guys, Chinese takeout employees and vending machine refillers, have a top 5 dangerous job. Their murder rate of 9 per 100,000 workers is approximately double what it is for cops. The increased time on the road means road injuries and fatalities are substantially higher for them than for police overall. They walk around with food and money and are strangers without firearms in dangerous neighborhoods.

Nobody ever acts like the Pizza Hut driver is a fucking hero. Could you imagine if a pizza delivery man killed somebody with chokehold, even if it was the most defensible thing in the world, who would stick up for "The Dominos Strangler?"

Nobody ever acts like the Pizza Hut driver is a fucking hero. Could you imagine if a pizza delivery man killed somebody with chokehold, even if it was the most defensible thing in the world, who would stick up for "The Dominos Strangler?"

I'm sure it has happened and the driver was cleared. It's not sexy enough for the media to cover.

Oh look it has happened: http://www.myfoxorlando.com/story/23248370/pizza-delivery-man-shoots-and-kills-armed-robber

Jimmy was spot on. In order to believe that Bill De Blasio, Obama, or any other politician is responsible even in a small contribution, you have to ask yourself a simple question. If Mitt Romney and Rudy Giuliani were the President and Mayor of NYC, would this still have happened (Bearing in mind that the Garner and Brown cases would still have happened)?

Would this guy have changed his actions based on what party was in charge? Any rational person would say no. This whack job did not form his decision based off of what person was the mayor of NYC.

In the same sense that guns don't kill people, people kill people; political rhetoric doesn't kill people, people kill people.

I think he still would have been crazy but if the media didn't pound us with bs about these cases I honestly doubt he would have killed cops. He might have heard about something else and killed someone else, but denying that people can be influenced, especially people as mentally deficient as this fucking animal is stupid- if I am to believe your logic I guess of 1930s Germany was made up of innate natural born killers....

The guy hated cops regardless of what Bill De Blasio said about the situation. The current events that occurred were the straw that broke the camel’s back. Keep in mind this is a guy who had been in jail and repeatedly arrested, so I am sure that guy hated cops, simply based off his own circumstances.

My point was the guy might have been influenced by current events but what the politicians in charge were doing had zero impact. If Giuliani or a Republican was in charge of NYC and had Romney won in 2012, would his actions have been different in the wake of the Eric Garner and Brown situations?

I think any rational breakdown of the situation leads you to find no fault in a politician because they were not the cause or an influence in this case. The influence was from the recent police cases themselves as well as his own personal issues and experiences with the cops. What the mayor of NYC said and what any political figure said probably did not even reach this guy.

I doubt the guy even knew who the mayor of NYC was. Blaming political figures and not the real circumstances is just posturing for politics and not addressing real issues.

To think deblasio talking about how he fears that his black son will be targeted and allowing those protests to go on didn't foster an environment that continued to rally people is completely stupid. The media caused these protests and this awareness, it wasn't some spontaneous rebellion maaaaaaaaaaannnn

I am saying that the guy clearly disliked cops due to his own personal experience. The Garner and Brown cases (Which were covered by the media), were the straw that broke the camel’s back. What the mayor of NYC said wasn't the one thing that kept up or started this situation. Had a Republican been mayor and president this would have still been a issue that got national attention. Police relations and brutality in certain communities is a real issue.

The mayor of NYC allowing protests to clog up streets was a dumb move but the protests would have occurred anyway. It’s not like they could have shut down the nature of how people were feeling about the situation.

I doubt this guy who did these terrible things really cared what politicians were saying. I also doubt he knew who the mayor of NYC was, the dude was from Baltimore and didn't really seem like the kind of guy to care about politics.