12/22/14 show

5  2014-12-22 by LuxReflexio

Last show of the year. Expect a bunch of douchey backtracking from Jim regarding Sony deciding to release The Interview, Mike Bocchetti being an unfunny fat fuck, Lionel redefining the definition of "boring," Kenny being an absolute psychopath about the police shootings in NYC and of course everybody's favorite autist, Greggshells Hughes.


Jim Norton continues to prove to be one of the most ignorant people on the planet. This psychiatric nurse is making a fantastic, rational argument and Jimmy refuses to have any degree of understanding or willingness to accept he's wrong.

Jim continues to twist her words to try to save face; it's embarrassing.

what are they discussing? mental illness? it's Jim's second dumbest opinion, right up there with his NSA stance.

You beat me to it. Jim does admit when he's wrong, but when he thinks he's right he'll speak in that condescending tone that's really infuriating.

When has he ever admitted to being wrong?

Doesnt he always cry no one ever says "thats a good point" or "i was wrong" in an argument? God is he fucking hateable lately. What the fuck happened to him.

Two shows ago. he said (twice, i believe) he was wrong about Sony canceling the release of the interview. He didn't think they'd do it.

To be honest I wouldn't know it. I haven't listened since the sam beating by Kevin Pollak.

A great place to stop, it was like listening to something worthy of the good times.

Hard to deny facts.

If you blame the protest you have to also blame Rush Limbaugh & the right for Jared Lee Loughner shooting Gabby Giffords. There are crazy assholes that might flip out over Teletubbies for all we know. Enough w/ the fingerpointing already.

Jared Lee Loughner didn't listen to Rush Limbaugh. His friends described him as a left winger, but he is obviously and completely nutty, so who knows or cares what he believed.



A left winger in 2007 prior to his personality transformation. He became quite pulled in by a lot of nutty conspiracy anti Gov stuff like death panels . But it proves nuts will be nuts.

My issue was not regarding responsibility; rather I was highlighting the childlike debate style that Jim constantly utilizes. He refuses to acknowledge someone else's rock solid arguments and instead will twist people's words and not offer any fact based counterpoint, he'll simply say you're wrong because he said so.

I must have missed the part where the guy who shot Gabby Giffords wrote that he did it for Rush Limbaugh and the right. Unlike this guy who said he wanted to kill pigs and avenge Michael Brown and Eric Garner. So your point is a bunch of crap. Of course he is tied to the left wing protestor movemnt. Didn't they chant they wanted cops dead? I don't remember Fatso Limbaugh telling people to go shoot someone. Yeah, when you create a movement and scream about justice every second, someone unhinged is going to think they will get you justice. That is on them.

You're an idiot. That is all.

What was he even arguing?

Jim clearly doesn't understand motive. Every time there is a murder the first thing they investigate is motive. It's also the main way prosecutors try to get a conviction.

You rile up a dog enough it's gonna bite someone.

It's easy to be tough on reddit. call the show and have a discussion.

'She scares me how self-absorbed and clueless she really is" - Opster on Jenny Hutt.

Oh, God.

Rupert Pupkin anyone?

Uninformed ranting about dead cops and the mentally ill for two hours with Kenny, a dirtbag cop one man embodiment of why everybody hates the fuckin' pigs, a fourth rate Alex Jones, and Jimmy being wrong about everything and getting schooled by callers. Happy fucking holidays! I think I might be done with the show.

You gotta love how Jimmy's big argument is "I just don't believe that!" He is talking to a psychology professional and just blowing her off because it goes against the point he was trying to make. This reminds me of a show where Jim Jefferies was in studio and Jimmy said that he doesn't believe there are any health benefits to getting circumcised. Jefferies explained that it actually reduces your risk of HIV and other STDs as well as being more hygienic and Jimmy said "I just don't believe that." WebMD confirmed what Jefferies said as well as some callers (including a doctor) and Jimmy Norton, circumcision expert, said he doesn't believe the medical findings are compelling enough. The guy can be so wrong about shit without ever admitting it.

i absolutely feel disgusted from just reading this and knowing exactly what you are talking about. he is such a uninformed cunt who just cannot accept that he is wrong. Newsflash you tranny loving faggot, no one is right one hundred percent of the time, get over it.

This reminds me of a show where Jim Jefferies was in studio and Jimmy said that he doesn't believe there are any health benefits to getting circumcised. Jefferies explained that it actually reduces your risk of HIV and other STDs as well as being more hygienic and Jimmy said "I just don't believe that." WebMD confirmed what Jefferies said as well as some callers (including a doctor) and Jimmy Norton, circumcision expert, said he doesn't believe the medical findings are compelling enough.

Explains why Jim Jefferies isn't on anymore.

Wow, has this become The Emperor's New Clothes or what?

Dr. Steve had to call in and confirm it, that's when he went kinda conceded he was wrong.

I give him the circumcision thing. There's a lot of research done supporting health benefits for being cut and being uncut. Also when doctor steve told him jefferies was right he gave in.

"Reduces the risk" because you slice off the cock skin that can trap the disease. Doesn't mean circumcision protects someone from aids.

As for hygiene, do cut folk really just not wash their cock? very confusing.

I prefer a non-scarred dick with full sensation, but thats just me.

No. But when you have that extra skin it can trap germs and bacteria more readily. Not to mention the cells of the foreskin have been linked to HIV and cancer. Eliminating that skin serves a benefit. And I dunno how you know what sort of sensation people who are circumcised have? You'd have to be guessing. And I don't know where this scar is... Most women prefer the look of a circumcised cock.

What about dudes

So I'm guessing about the lack of sensation, but you're confident 'most' women prefer the look of a cut dick? Forgive me if I scoff at such a claim.

The foreskin hood serves the same function as the clitoral hood in females, it protects the most sensitive nerve endings.

Removing the foreskin leads to a loss of sensitivity, the same way an exposed clit would.

Mutilating a baby boys cock is just wrong, thats what Jim's point was, that someone like him didn't have a choice.

Adults can hack off whatever parts of their body they please.

Well I'm only going off of the women that I know. I've met women who said they are weirded out by the appearance of an uncircumcised cock. I don't know any women who say they are weirded out by a circumcised cock. I deal mostly with westernized American women though. Maybe in some areas it would be the other way around.

Fair enough. I wouldn't doubt lots of American girls think uncut is weird looking, Elaine saying they had 'no face, no personality' on Seinfeld made me sad as a kid. I more attribute that to their overall familiarity with the cut peckah, as the stats point to most American men being cut.

I'm more grateful this didn't immediately degenerate into a viscous 'cut v.s uncut' affair.

Why are Kenny, Sam and Opie being such cunts towards Lionel? The guy is giving their show some credibility and they treat him like shit. Fuck them.

Lionel actually brings interesting topics to the show and these dummies don't know what to do with it.

Cringe-inducing fake cop stories from Opie.

I love DJ Dennis Falcone



Did you really "lol"?

I bet he uses ketchup too!

What is he, fourrrrr

Seriously. Fuck Jimmy too.

I just listened to the beginning of the show. I think I'm done with these guys.

hit me last week. Thankfully R&F is either getting amazing again or just seeming so when you listen to O&J right before.

Either way, raw dog it up.

PS. Opie, stop asking Ron to bring his show back to your channel, it's not happening, people know where to go and its not Opie Raqio.

I know exactly what you mean.

I wonder how much he regrets re-signing for this horseshit. I know its more than 0 but would probably be disappointed to find out how little it actually is

not at all, probably happy that he still has a gig.

Jimmy is never happy and is incredibly easily hurt, and he was ashamed of his career before what little fans he had turned on him.

I think "happy" is the wrong word.

Oh, he has to be. When you hear him on The Anthony Cumia Show, it's like nothing changed.

Supposed to be a fun and goofy show...

Two hours of police talk

This describes every episode in the past three months. Just replace "police talk" with some other subject that these uninformed idiots can pontificate on.

Kenny is embarrassing

Why did Kenny just kill this interview?

when its about cops and you aren't talking about how they are gods gift of a civil servant, he's going to interrupt you in a very hostile fashion.

something he picked up on the force.

From what I got from the interview Lionel was the most pro-cop in the group today.

I have no idea.

Oh god the breuer song. So bad.

Huh. Didn't realize the philly crew made it that far north.

That's how they do it.

I love Jimmy's "Oof" when Opie announced Mike Bochetti again around 8:45. Says it all. Mike joins a long line of recent 'filler guests' since the firing. Getting pretty old.

jimmy isnt offing because of "a long line of recent 'filler guests' since the firing.", He really just doesn't like doing radio with Mike.

It's like doing radio with Lady Di or Bobo.

Gee, no shit.

That's why I'll never hate on Jimmy. I mean, what does that tell you. He so is eating himself trying to keep Opie in his glass house. It's sad.

That alone does not earn Jimmy praise. If anything it makes him more deserving for criticism because he's clearly taking money over being happy and putting out good content.

I literally lasted two words today...I turned it on and opie shouted two words, I heard the classic creaking of the mic stand moving and I immediately shut the app.....feels good man

No mention of DJ Dennis Falcone? Boo.

Double Jointed?

That explains a lot.

(apologies if that joke has been made a million times)

Merry Christmas ya filthy animals

I can't even make it through the first break anymore. Someone let me know when The Cop Show With Opie and Jim is over.

I've been a loyal listener but listening to these 2 idiots trying to tackle a serious subject was painful. They needed Anthony this morning.

If he was there, what direction do you think this discussion would have went? I think we all know.

Lots of "ANIMALS!" and bell-dinging

But at least it would have been entertaining.

Yea, because TACS is fantastic lately.

They've needed him for the last 5 months.

I'm just over the subject itself. I get that it's news. Give it its few minutes or whatever. Does it need to take up this much of the show?

Or they could had acted civilly towards Lionel and utilized him as someone who does his research and knows more than just the headline he read.

Remember last year's Super Show - the last live show of 2013? Holy mother of shit, what a terrible difference a year makes.

Ha denny just owned them.


It's spelled "raqio"

Your Mom's Box. Merry Christmas guys.

Attorney jimmy stinks

The litigating litigator provided some litigious litigation.

This is their holiday supershow? I feel embarrassed for these guys...

They could have talked about that cop thing for 5-10 minutes because sure it's news and they are a topical show now, but 2 hours is fucking insane. God fucking knows why I listened to the whole first break. This show reminded me of what a shitty year it's been.

Today's show was the worst one yet. I will not be listening to this show next year at all unless Sirius realize their mistake and reverse their decision. Punchin out...

jims quiet anger character is annoying.

The question no one has asked about the Sharpton death threats: How did they get Sharpton's cell phone number? (At the press conference Sharpton played the messages directly from his smartphone's internal voicemail system)

Because he paid someone to do it. Guys a scumbag that will do anything to make himself the victim.

Precisely. It's always troubling when reporters ignore the most obvious question, especially when dealing with a criminal like Sharpton.

Were they doing their best 1994 "white guy" voices?

It was so hard hard to hear to you couldn't tell who it was

I'd love it if it was Al Sharpton doing the voices, utilizing the acting chops that won over America in the Adam Sandler smash hit "Mr. Deeds."

I like that movie a lot, but that scene makes me feel like I'm going to vomit in church.

I nominate Chris Rock

I wish they wouldn't steamroll over Lionel. He would be great on TACS.

he is more intelligent than anybody in the room. and can be funny, but O&J don't use him right. especially jim needs to be seriously beaten some respect for others into him.

of all the repeat guests that do the show now, Lionel and Mike B are the absolute worst. I really hope this Lionel guy doesnt start doing the show as often as Florentine. I might start treating it like TACS and just listen when I know funny ppl are on. I honestly thought this would be like a Colin, Bawby, Soder show, with it being the end of the year. Hell, I'd even take Vic Henley over these 2 guys.

Thanks for all the comments you guys, Will avoid this show like the plague.

Am I the only listener who has only had positive interactions with the cops? Even when I was the one in the wrong, my experience has only been positive. I've never been arrested and never even got a traffic ticket.

Nope, your just not a chode looking to pretend he knows the law.

Yes, you are the only one. You must live in Nebraska.

Nope. I live in Chicago and grew up in NYC.

It helps to be in at least the middle-class and no darker than khaki.

Nailed it.

No Bobo?

He's loyal to Mr Cumia

Traitor to O&J

Smartest move that waterhead will ever make.


Jesus how fucking annoying Jimmy is with the Cop shooting shit, completely missing the point that the social worker girl is trying to tell.

I haven't listened to the show in months but this thread has inspired me to take a "little taste" of today just to see how bad it has gotten. Thanks thread!

What a read this was, can't summon the bravery to listen though.

Best word to sum up Lionel: dweeb.



Bocchetti was on with O&A last year and I didn't understand the fascination then either. He hasn't been on Ant's show as far as I know, and he's a fat desperate unfunny fuck who is a bad comedy career away from being Lady Di, so I'm thinking this is another thing we can safely blame on Fat Tits.

he's low hanging fruit for the Opster

that's his favorite kind, along with a standalone... fruit....

he used to think the stand alone fruit was low hanging, I don't think he believes that anymore...

turned out it was more of a prickly pear

He's been on Ants show. He was good on there because Ant slowed down and let him talk

Oh I see. I believe you, Vos was a lot funnier on TACS than I can ever remember him being on O&A. He had gems on O&A but he was really "on" on Ant's show.

Vos was good on Rogans show for the same reason. When Vox goes into Sirius, it's just a constant attack, they don't let him breathe. The Rogan show he did last fall is a great listen.

Lionel sucks.

Who is this fuckhead? I haven't listened much in the last month.

Former night time AM radio talk show host that no one listened to. Now he does a show on Air America Radio that no one listens to either.

Air America shut down in 2010

Yes because Air America hasn't existed since January 2010.

Had to tune out, Lionel tipped it right over for me

Should we expect all you complaining fags to listen? Yes we should!

Why dont you cunts just man up and stop listening if you hate the show so much, I think the show is a shell of its former self but you all sound like a bunch of bitches. Youre like the wife of an abusive alcoholic that doesnt know when to leave, pathetic.

After today's show I wouldn't be surprised if everybody on this sub stopped listening.


This describes every episode in the past three months. Just replace "police talk" with some other subject that these uninformed idiots can pontificate on.

I bet he uses ketchup too!