It's falling apart men.

62  2014-12-21 by BurtWard

Opie sucks. Jimmy's exhausted and bored. Ant's show is boring. They are all old and their career's are winding down. No more excitement and no more movin' on up. Time to pull out and find some podcast to listen to. Radio is dead. Frunkis


That's it, man. Game over, man! Game over! What the fuck are we gonna do now? What are we gonna do?

why don't you put her in charge


Just start listening to Lookin GOOD Radio Hudson, because we need you and I'm sick of your bullshit. (free on Itunes)

No thanks, jew

You're wrecking the 'Aliens dialogue' bit.

Hey guys this fella wants us to pay extra special attention to his website...

Yes. So?

the only way I would listen to audio you produced would be if it was you just eating glass

Alright, then Episode 172 will be going out to YOU. I'm a people pleaser.

Your chirpy comebacks won't win anyone over in this sub. Joy left this place a long time ago.

We're down to shitting on people we mildly respected who it appears survived in radio on luck, and 2/3 of the chemistry needed for three personalities.

It's starting to get pretty sad to be honest.

Well one man is trying to restore sunshine to this Dracula's castle of an area, damn it. Can't blame a fella for trying. (I know no one's going to like it; it's my schtick.)

shove that shtick up your mothers cunt you dopey cunt person

I read that and in my head the voice was Jay Mohr doing his Louie CK impression.

No you dumb cunt you wrecked it.

No, I cleverly worked my plug into a bit of Aliens dialogue. I'll drop Aliens quotes til the cows come home, don't you test the kid.

God you're awful ...

I'm not. I'm tolerable. There's way worse people out there. I'm just a guy trying to get listeners for a stupid podcast, it's not that bad.

it's not that bad.

Yes, yes it is.

Nobody likes a desperately needy, shameless self promoter with delusions of grandeur. Plus, you really want the degenerate assholes who make up this sub as fans? You must be new around here ...

Good luck with the pod-a-cast though ...

but for real, you should probably stop spamming this sub with your bull-shit.

I don't spam it. I'll admit today was an unusually heavy day, but that's because several threads said "What am I supposed to listen to?" It's like inviting a vampire into your house. I don't want to blow up my spot though, so I'll shut up for a few days. (Im going back east anyway)

I'm not desperately needy; it's just a silly schtick I do. I don't really give a shit if anyone listens, but all chicanery aside, I've gotten a good 5-6 DM's telling me I'm an ass, but they do like my stupid show. My faget roommate and I do it as kind of a live journal for all our friends back in NY to hear our dumb (mostly non) adventures, or hear about me fucking kind of cute chubby chicks or trying to get them to piss in my mouth. (Which happened last Sunday.) If other random listeners get into it, it's more fun. If not, I'll be ok.

Honestly, you were really coming across as spammy and hateable; now, you're almost tolerable. But this is coming from a guy who listened to the entire O&J show today so admittedly my standards aren't very high ...

"Why didn't we spend time like this BEFORE..." (Throws napkin) Imgur


Ron And Fez


A moment of silence for YKWD. My favorite podcast up until the point open micers and shitty trios saturated it with shit.

How does Bobby not realize that 6 nobodies talking over each other is not good entertainment?

He's gotta have his guys!

I don't know man, its no use telling him either. I remember he took the criticism harshly and said he would do what he wanted. I wish Bobby would take the criticism constructively, his show could be gold.

Yeah I mean "Hey Shitdick, fix your fucking podcast, Fatso." could be implemented in a more constructive way...

I remember a loooooooooong time ago Bobby read an email, or something like that, from someone that said "can you start doing more solo podcasts I like them more," that's all he said, and Bobby said he's going to do what he wants and doesn't care what people think.

He should be more open to criticism.

yeah it's filed under you "being a hater". His podcast was good when he only had one or two guests at a time.

Agreed. I actually would take a single Bobby over more than two guests. I don't understand how Bobby, and others, ignore fans; it hurts them and the fan.


That's why I like Race Wars, Kurt will tell everyone to cut the shit when they start babbling like it's The View

Awesome solo or with one other but not a bunch of yapping and over laughter

Yeah YKWD is a disappointing podcast. It has the potential to be great too. The fuck is wrong with bobby.

That's what kills me. The fact that the show could be so much better by simply changing a few things. Fuck, fuck, I wish Bobby would embrace constructive criticism.

Idk, if you have at least Luis J Gomez, Joe List, or Dan Soder on it's pretty damn funny.

All of them together is even better.

I've listened, but once I hit a show with more than two, or the unfunny Australian cunt I want to gg.

She's gone now thankfully.

Thank Christ, Kelly was disgustingly unfunny. Maybe I will give the show another shot.

This sub is slowly imploding

I have a confession to make. I've switched to Howard. Hoo hoo.

After switching from him to opieandanthony, I listened again for the first time when rogen and Franco were on. And it was pretty good. You think he had anything to do with anthony firing. They were the only ones who were actually a match for him.

I don't know if I should up-vote or down-vote....

PFG 24/7 from HERE on out !!

what is pfg? i ask bc i need something thats good and new to listen to.

O&A used to swap bits with this guy from Syracuse, he's got his own TV show on Fox called PFG-TV.
(PFG stands for "Pretty Freakin' Great" so you know it's edgy as heck)


Makes you respect Seinfeld - ending his show while it was on top. Kinda the opposite of this disaster.

Your mom's box?

Every time Lamar would come over he would help my muddah with her box

The Cumia show definitely needs to be more structured. Most of the time it just feels like a guy hanging out in front of a microphone and not an actual show. Also it needs Jim Norton.

Agreed, if Ant doesn't tighten up he will lose a big portion of his main source of income. I'd hate to see the irs come snatch the compound.


Meanwhile Ron and fez are coming off another great week

I love Ant's show. Opie still sucks.

i haven't listened to a single second of a single show, either one, since this all went down. it seemed obvious it was over even then, i didn't want my memories sullied. Cumia was clearly the only one that had a chance of working but i think his approach is all wrong. ive followed it closely, hoping to see signs that it would work but they just dont seem to be there.

Maybe Jimmy can hit it big for like a year. Sell out MSG or something for a week, and finally make enough money to not talk like he'll be on the street next week if he doesn't take Sirius' money.

Then he can go reunite with Anthony full time on a daily podcast, which will be amazing.

Opie and Sam can jerk each other off to the latest pop act and Twitter activities like you hear on the Todd Show.

I like Ant's show. It's evolving quite nicely for a show that was slapped together in less than a month. It's certainly more entertaining than OJ in the morning.

Ants show was better at first, but now I'm starting to think it was only because I was so happy to hear him again. Not sure it's "certainly more entertaining"

oohhhh boy, i dont know after those cop shootings, i can see anthony going in a "black people are the devil" rant for at least a month. Im sticking with good old mediocre opie and jim.

the first hour of an O&J show is better than solo TACS

once O&J have a guest in, I'm usually out

meanwhile, if TACS has a comedian it's better than O&J. I'm looking forward to the Bobby Kelly episode they have banked.

Yeah they are better together than apart.

They are were better when they earned their paycheck.

This would have been infinitely better if you said "your mom's box" at the end. Frunkis doesn't make sense here.

All this would be fixed if Jimmy & Ant would reunite on a more permanent basis. The main problem with O&J is Jimmy can't bounce things off people like he could with Ant. Even when they have comedians in it's not the same, because think of how many hours Jimmy has spent riffing with those guys already. Ant never really did anything outside of going to Jimmy's tapings and whatnot, so the only opportunity to bullshit together was on the air. Ron was right- we did get spoiled, just not in the way he meant.

Who cares?

Sadly O & J will keep doing the show as is, I wouldn't turn down that kind of money for what they do, I would do it a whole lot different though. If they just would have taken a risk and put their money together and built a studio somewhere they could all agree on, no doubt in my mind they could have charged 10 bucks a month and would have been fine. Pussies. Joe Rogan had the best idea, pitching the show to VICE. Oh well, it's said and done now, so really who cares anymore?

People who say "YOU WOULDNT TURN DOWN THE SHEKELS" miss that yeah, of course we'd take that kind of cash.

But it's another thing to have come up with Patrice, Louie, Burr and Colin and still be the kind of worm Jimmy is.

Everyone else I get, Sam has gained a level of Z-list fame that only former Big Brother runners up and amateur pornstars can dream of. E-Rock is doing listenable radio (from what I pick up on here) which is fucking remarkable because he genuinely idolised Opie. I get not hating him in the old days, but idolising him?

But Jimmy should just fucking know better. Patrice has had a more resonant career with comedians than Jimmy will for his entire life because he sacrificed mainstream fame for his ideals, and for that he's going to be spoken about alongside Prior and Carlin by the future Priors and Carlins.

Jimmy is already hated by people who were formerly his loyalest fans, but unlike other people who sell out he traded it for a dieing program on a dieing media that has become toxic to the people who defined it.


Today's, and every other day's, problem

I agree and it's sad. It's not that Ants show is boring necessarily, it's that his primary concern is no longer being funny. It's pandering to other right wing folks such as himself. Which is fine but not why any of us liked the motherfucker to begin with.

There is no true outlet for being a complete piece of offensive shit in the name of comedy now that O&A is done for good.

yeah what

As long as Ant doesn't think he hit a bullseye on the first go-round, then the show will get better. I rarely find something that I'd rather listen to when I get home, regardless.

But you should always be looking out for new content or stuff that you passed over. My other go-tos are JRE, Hardcore History, and RadioLab, but that's it. Ones that I tried and gave up on were Kevin Pollack's show, KillTony, Penn's Sunday School, and Getting Doug with High--those are way more inconsistent or all-around bad. It takes less than a couple days to go through the good ones, so Antnee is always there to fill in the gaps or be my #1.

E: I refuse to listen to Burr's podcast until him and Antnee straighten it all out. Frankly, I think Ant is scared of what Burr will say about what his wife said. People have said there's no way Ant is scared of Nia; I agree, he's scared of how Burr took Nia's reaction, and what Burr translated it into in his life.

You aren't listening to a comedian's podcast because him and an ex radio jock, may or may not currently have an uncomfortable relationship. If you like Bill's podcast just listen to it, what the fuck are you even talking about. Do you know how insane that sounds?

The entire podcast feels like a lie to me, therefore I don't like it right now. If someone doesn't want to be honest with me, I don't want to listen to them, regardless of whether they have other interesting things to say. As soon as Bill and Ant air their grievances, I'm 100% on board.

I think that sounds about 10% insane, just about as insane as anyone else who has preferences.

Anthony said Bill called and he didn't return the calls...

I'm not saying this to be mean-spirited or to belittle your feelings, but reading that while listening to a podcast clip of him and Jason Lawhead discuss old man farts for 15 minutes is cracking me up.

I get where you're coming from and it's your life of course, but it's ok to take a step back and just enjoy it for what it is regardless of what issues they have.

Maybe I'll try again with that in mind. Thanks for not shitting all over me. It was nice to not be shat on.

No worries! Thank you for taking it in the spirit intended.

And I think you made a good point in your initial post. It's not like Anthony battling out with Derosa over Twitter and podcasts. It probably scares him to talk with someone who (apparently) doesn't want to use a show or Twitter to hash something out. And who has a unique stake in this situation, and hasn't been afraid to disagree on this issue in the past.

Pepper Hick's podcast, High Society Radio, has been amazing. I've always thought he was pretty good as Ron's cohost, and meanwhile he makes the very best show out of the whole O&A/R&F scene.

Davey Mac Sports Program is also excellent.

Whether Ant and Bill can be friends, MMP is boring. Solo TACS isn't great, but Ant's much better at solo podcasting than Bill.

I've been enjoying the Legion of Skanks podcast a lot, it has a similar bullshitting around feel to it like O&A. I also like John Oliver's podcast the Bugle, although I don't know if other people here would.

Moan moan moan moan moan moan moan

Sirius will bring ant back eventually- atleast in my dreams :'(

Podcasts are radio. Same format, different medium. Radio is alive and better than ever.

Radio is alive and better than ever.

Bro you high as hell. I wouldn't be surprised if radio died as an entire medium over the next few decades; its already dead to me, shit is boring.

As for talk radio, that's been dead for ages.

Then why say you wanna get into podcasts if it's all dead to you?

I was looking at it as radio as an industry, not an art form. I think podcasts are very different from radio, it has its similarities but a different beast entirely. Also, talk radio and regular radio are two very different things that will live or die for very different reasons.

I like podcasts, but don't consider them as cannonical radio programs.

I'm fine with not having radio (I never listened to O&A live), but I do like that feeling of watching or listening to something that I know thousands or millions of others are taking in at the same time. The only place you can kind of get that now is with Ant, but with a time slot like 4PM, when everyone is winding down their workday and about to get into their cars, I can't imagine many people would be enjoying it live. With the right time slot, Ant could keep radio alive, instead he chose the laziest of all the slots.

I'm fine with not having radio (I never listened to O&A live), but I do like that feeling of watching or listening to something that I know thousands or millions of others are taking in at the same time. The only place you can kind of get that now is with Ant, but with a time slot like 4PM, when everyone is winding down their workday and about to get into their cars, I can't imagine many people would be enjoying it live. With the right time slot, Ant could keep radio alive, instead he chose the laziest of all the slots.

Hey guys this fella wants us to pay extra special attention to his website...

No you dumb cunt you wrecked it.

Agreed. I actually would take a single Bobby over more than two guests. I don't understand how Bobby, and others, ignore fans; it hurts them and the fan.